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Snow and ice can exist along the equator because of extreme altitude. The higher up you travel the colder it gets (about 3 degrees Fahrenheit per 1000 feet climbed, or around 5 degrees celsius for every kilometer), so right at the top of the mountain it will be much colder that at the base of the mountain.

Even in the summer, on the hottest days, almost all precipitation begins as snow. It melts on the way down, so we perceive it as rain. So if you make a mountain high enough, it will have snow fall on it instead of rain.

The best example of this is the highest mountain in Africa, called Mount Kilimanjaro, which is the the country of Tanzania. However, the only place where snow exists on the exact equator is in the Andes Mountains in Equador. Using the

As for the mechanics of why the atmosphere gets colder with altitude, it's a little complicated, but it has to do with a few factors, such as decreasing density and pressure with height. There is an excellent explanation at this website:

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11y ago
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3w ago

Snow is unlikely to occur along the equator or within the tropics as these regions typically have warm temperatures. Snow formation requires cold temperatures for ice crystals to form and fall to the ground, conditions generally found in higher latitudes or elevated areas where temperatures are lower.

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12y ago

At high altitudes mainly, these temperatures are almost impossible to reach UNLESS you are in a hot desert, where temperatures can soar to >50C but can drop to <0C at night.

Hope my answer helped?

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14y ago

Basically it comes down to how tall is the mountain top?

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10y ago

Yes. Snow can be found on top of high mountains even in the tropics.

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Q: Can snow exist along the tropics along the equator?
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What causes variations in the altitude of the snow line?

Variations in the altitude of the snow line are caused by the relative location of the nearest coastline and the latitude. At the Equator the snow line is at 4500 m and at the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn can be as high as 5700 m.

What is the mountain near the equator that has snow year round its peak?

Mount Kilimanjaro, located in Tanzania, is the mountain near the equator that has snow year-round on its peak. Its highest point, Uhuru Peak, reaches over 19,000 feet and is capped with glaciers despite its proximity to the equator.

Is there snow in Africa near the equator?

It is rare for snow to fall near the equator in Africa. However, some high-altitude areas, such as Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, may experience snow due to the elevation.

Is the earth's equator the same temperature why or why not?

No, there is a range of temperatures around the Earth's equator due to changes in altitude. The mountains along the equator can (and do, in many cases) have snow on their peaks because they are so high in the atmosphere that it is below freezing. The ocean beaches along the equator tend to be 80 degrees F or higher for most of the year.

How is it possible thatthere is snow in Ecuador at the equator which is supposed to have the hottest temperature?

Well first of all, the highest temperatures on Earth were not measured at the equator.But aside from that, the elevation of a place above sea level also has a lot to dowith its climate. There are places in Ecuador that are not too far from the equator,but their elevation is as much as 12,000 feet and they're covered with snowduring most of the year. Tourists typically describe them as "mountains".

Related questions

Does it snow in the freshwater biome?

Freshwater biomes can exist in the tropics or the arctic. Thus in some it does snow and in others it never snows.

What causes variations in the altitude of the snow line?

Variations in the altitude of the snow line are caused by the relative location of the nearest coastline and the latitude. At the Equator the snow line is at 4500 m and at the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn can be as high as 5700 m.

Do all places along the equator are always warm?

No, some mountains in Ecuador are snow-covered.

Are the places along the equator very warm why why not?

No because some places have mountains or high plateaus where it gets cold so not all places along the equator are hot. Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya is almost on the equator and has snow on the top. Nearness to the sea can also have an effect.

Is the earth's equator the same why or why not?

No, there is a range of temperatures around the Earth's equator due to changes in altitude. The mountains along the equator can (and do, in many cases) have snow on their peaks because they are so high in the atmosphere that it is below freezing. The ocean beaches along the equator tend to be 80 degrees F or higher for most of the year.

What is the mountain near the equator that has snow year round its peak?

Mount Kilimanjaro, located in Tanzania, is the mountain near the equator that has snow year-round on its peak. Its highest point, Uhuru Peak, reaches over 19,000 feet and is capped with glaciers despite its proximity to the equator.

Is there snow in Africa near the equator?

It is rare for snow to fall near the equator in Africa. However, some high-altitude areas, such as Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, may experience snow due to the elevation.

Is the earth's equator the same temperature why or why not?

No, there is a range of temperatures around the Earth's equator due to changes in altitude. The mountains along the equator can (and do, in many cases) have snow on their peaks because they are so high in the atmosphere that it is below freezing. The ocean beaches along the equator tend to be 80 degrees F or higher for most of the year.

Do the Gambians ever get snow?

No they are too close to the equator for snow

How is it possible thatthere is snow in Ecuador at the equator which is supposed to have the hottest temperature?

Well first of all, the highest temperatures on Earth were not measured at the equator.But aside from that, the elevation of a place above sea level also has a lot to dowith its climate. There are places in Ecuador that are not too far from the equator,but their elevation is as much as 12,000 feet and they're covered with snowduring most of the year. Tourists typically describe them as "mountains".

Why there is snow in north?

Snow in the north is caused by colder temperatures that allow for precipitation to fall as snow instead of rain. The further north you go, the colder it generally gets, leading to more frequent snowfall. Additionally, northern regions tend to have longer winters and higher elevations, providing optimal conditions for snow accumulation.

Why are the hottest places near the Equator?

The equator receives more direct sunlight throughout the year due to its position, resulting in higher temperatures. The angle of the sun's rays is more perpendicular, leading to greater heating of the Earth's surface and making it one of the hottest regions on Earth.