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Sex alone may not have enough to hold a failing relationship together, but it can defineately help hold one together.

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3w ago

While sex can be an important element in a relationship, it is not the only factor that holds a relationship together. Communication, trust, respect, and compatibility are also crucial in maintaining a healthy and strong relationship. It is essential for partners to connect on emotional, mental, and physical levels to create a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

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Q: Can sex hold a relationship together?
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What do dipole dipole forces do?

Hold polar molecules together

What type of bond is needed to hold polymers together?

Covalent bonds generally hold polymers together.

What does hold everything together mean?

Hold everything together means to keep your composure and keep everyone around you together and composed as well.

What is is coming together in sex?

I would think coming together in sex means.. both parties reach their climax at the same time or orgasm.

When to sex cells come together?

Sexual reproduction

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Do you do anything other than have sex together, like: go out with friends; meet each other's families; have dinner; go to movies/sporting events/school events together. If not, it's a safe bet the relationship is purely sexual. If that's not what you want, then you need to stop cooperating in sex and express yourself. Don't be surprised if your "partner" ends the relationship. Remember, a relationship solely based on sex is an abusive relationship. Stand up for yourself. You're deserving of better than that.

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It really depends on your definition of "be together" In Some countries it is Legal for Lesbians to be in a relationship together but illegal for Lesbians to have sex. In Canada it is Perfectly legal for Lesbians to Live together, be Married, Have Kids, and have sex. However, in the USA while it is legal for Lesbians to live together, form "civil unions" and have sex, in many states it is illegal for us to get married.

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When your in a commited relationship like marriage and true love, You communicate TRUTHFULLY and not only will you communicate better but you will also have a better and stronger relationship together

Is it alright to cuddle up with your opposite sex friend that's already is in a relationship?

Hugs as a greeting is fine, but cuddling up together is not right when he is in a relationship. When in doubt put yourself in the shoes of his girlfriend.