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No, science, at it's current level, cannot explain every single thing in the natural world. However, 2000 years ago it couldn't even explain the sun. 1000 years ago it couldn't explain a rainbow. 100 years ago it couldn't explain the continents moving. 50 years ago it couldn't explain DNA. Now we know all of these things and they can be explained. Science explains more and more very day. It may never be able to explain every last anomaly but it can explain most of it. Give it another 50 years and we might know something new that's completely revolutionary.

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Science can explain many aspects of the natural world through observations, experiments, and theories. However, there are still phenomena, such as consciousness or the origin of the universe, that may lie outside the current scope of scientific explanation.

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understanding the natural world through observation, experimentation, and evidence-based reasoning. It seeks to explain phenomena, make predictions, and advance human knowledge.

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Science, The process of learning more about the natural world is Science.

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What is the goal of science?

There are three goals in science:1. Investigate and understand the natural world.2. Explain events in the natural world.3. Use those explanations to make predictions.Science seeks to increase man's knowledge and to use that knoledge to directly or indirectly benefit man.

What impact does scientific knowledge have on the world?

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