

Can sandstorms get you sick

Updated: 8/10/2023
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10y ago

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because it is carried by the heavy wind

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Betty Tromp

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2y ago
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12y ago

Because the sand gets in your eyes, second when you breathe it will cause a problem as it will be sand! so more or less you need shelter...and when they are too fast its zero visibility in a car...

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15y ago

yes it can suffecate you or if it is hard enough, the wind and sand can rip away at your skin

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14y ago

Sandstorms are strong dry winds that blow over deserts. They can kill up to 75 people a year.

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14y ago

Yes, you can die from a Sandstorm, although it is not a very likely chance. 75 people a year die from Sandstorms.

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The Sahara Desert is known for its sandstorms that can last for several days due to the strong winds and vast expanses of sand. These sandstorms, also known as "siroccos," can create hazardous conditions for both people and wildlife in the region.

When do sandstorms happen?

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no, I'm not psychic.

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Where do sandstorms happen most?

in desserts

How many sandstorms do you have in buckeye AZ?

Buckeye, AZ experiences an average of 3-4 sandstorms per year, typically during the monsoon season from July to September. Sandstorms can vary in intensity and duration depending on weather conditions.