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Q: Can radioactive isotopes be incorporated into organic compounds?
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How much of the radiant energy from the sun is incorporated into organic compounds in the process of photosynthesis?

1% or less

Is radioactive decay the same as organic decay?

No, they are different processes. Radioactive decay is the spontaneous breakdown of unstable atomic nuclei, releasing radiation. Organic decay is the decomposition of organic matter by bacteria and fungi, resulting in the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler compounds.

Does sulfur hydrogen and plutonium have organic compounds?

Yes, sulfur, hydrogen, and plutonium can be found in organic compounds. Sulfur is commonly found in amino acids, such as cysteine and methionine. Hydrogen is present in virtually all organic compounds, as it forms covalent bonds with carbon. Plutonium can be incorporated into organic compounds through synthetic processes in laboratories, but naturally occurring organic compounds with plutonium are rare.

Is carbon organic?

Yes, carbon is considered organic because it is the building block for all living organisms and forms the basis of organic chemistry. Organic compounds, which contain carbon, are typically associated with living organisms.

What is a biological application that uses radioactive istopes?

Radiocarbon dating of organic samples is a biological application of radioactive isotopes. Another such application is the tagging of molecules with radioisotopes in order to investigate biological pathways, such as metabolism.

What is the differences between petroleum and uranium?

Petroleum is a fossil fuel, containing many organic compounds; burning of petroleum release thermal energy. Uranium is a radioactive metal; fission of uranium release a great quantity of nuclear energy.

Are organic compounds made of sugars or starches.?

Sugars and starches are organic compounds. But not all organic compounds are sugars and starches .

How are phosphates incorporated into the organic molecules and aquatic plants and animals?

The scales and bones of bony fish contain phosphorus. As is the case on land, primary producers in the ocean incorporate phosphates into organic compounds.

How are phosphates incorporated into the organic molecules in aquatic plants and animals?

The scales and bones of bony fish contain phosphorus. As is the case on land, primary producers in the ocean incorporate phosphates into organic compounds.

Radioactive decay of carbon isotopes can be use for?

Radioactive decay of carbon isotopes can be used for carbon dating, a method to determine the age of organic materials up to around 50,000 years old. By measuring the ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12 in a sample, scientists can calculate when the organism died. This technique is commonly used in archaeology, anthropology, and geology.

What Discribes organic compounds?

Organic compounds are compounds that contain carbon.

How are uranium and petroleum different?

Petroleum and uranium can be used as fuels.