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Q: Can protozoa use for the production of single cell protein?
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Why single cell protein called single cell protein?

these are called so because micro organisams used for their production are unicellular ( comprising whole body of one cell)

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What type of cells are in the kingdom protozoa?

Single-cell eukaryotic organisms are present in kingdom protozoa.

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Are protozoa single cell?

Yes, they are very primitive forms of life.

How many cells do a protozoa have?

A trypanosome is just one single cell!

Which cell is controlled by the production of protein?

T Cell

Is it possible to prepare a single cell protein in lab?

you sure you dont mean a single protein cell? if you do the answer is no.

Do protozoa have a nervous system?

An amoeba is considered a "single cell organism" and does not have a brain.

Why protein production is important in a cell?

because it is