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It is highly uncommon for someone to have an affinity for all five elements. Normally those gifted enough to have an affinity only are able to balance one. I have met many alone my journey that weild the power of one affinity. I have only met one that could weild all five. He was a very gifted young man who at first did not fully understand his power. But after discussing his heritage and revealing to him my affinity for water, I was able to help him focus and harness the power of the five elements. I have high hopes for this young man and see his future as being a bright one. Blessed be.

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11mo ago

In certain belief systems, such as in Chinese philosophy or fantasy literature, some individuals may be associated with or have an affinity for all five elements: fire, water, earth, air, and spirit. However, this concept is not universally accepted or supported in all cultures or belief systems.

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