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No. The parents must both have the type O allele in order for their child to be O.

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3mo ago

Yes, it is possible for parents with blood types O and AB to have a child with blood type O. The child would inherit an O allele from one parent and an O allele from the other parent, resulting in blood type O.

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Q: Can parents with blood 0 and blood AB have a child with O?
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You and your son have 0 plus blood type your baby dad has ab?

If you and your son both have O positive blood types, it is impossible for the baby's father to have AB blood type. The child would inherit an O blood type from you.

If your father is type o positive and your mother is type ab negative what is the possible blood type of a 6th child?

The possible blood types for the 6th child would be A or B positive, as those are the combinations of blood type alleles from the parents' genotypes. It is not possible for the child to have AB blood type, since the father does not carry the A allele.

Man with blood type B marries a woman with blood type A and their child is blood type O what is the porbabtility their next child will be blood type AB or B?

The probability of their next child being blood type AB is 0% because neither parent carries the AB blood type. The probability of their next child being blood type B is 25% because the father carries the B allele, which can be passed on to the child.

If both parents have 0 positive blood can the child be born with A blood?

no. The child will definitely carry 0 type blood If one of the parents had A type it could be possible. Blood type inheritance is easy to understand. Each person's carries two "versions" (alleles) of the gene controlling that feature. One inherited by the mother and one by the father. by These these alleles "fight" each other for what blood type the person would have. Thera are 3 alleles. A, B, O. A and B are equal strength and they both are stronger than the 0. so if one has the combination A0 for example, the A beats the 0 and the person has A type. If it has AB the person has AB type because it's a "draw", and if one has AA it has of course A type. What Allele of his her 2 own will one give to the child is almost completely by luck. If a parent is AB for example he /she can give to the child A or B, In your case both parents have O type, that means that they both "are" OO therefore each would give one of the two O "version" alleles he/she carries. and the child would definitely be OO A = B > 0, so AA, A0 give A type, AB gives AB type. BB, B0 give B type OO gives O type

Can parents having same blood group 0 positive give birth to a child with blood group 0 negative?

Yes, parents with blood group O positive can have a child with blood group O negative. This is possible if one parent is heterozygous for the Rh factor (one parent has both positive and negative Rh alleles), allowing for the possibility of the child inheriting the negative Rh factor.

Related questions

Can a mother of AB blood and a father that is O blood have a child with 0?

Yes, it is possible for a mother with AB blood and a father with O blood to have a child with O blood type. This is because the parents can each pass on an O allele, resulting in a child with O blood type.

Can a mother of 0 negative blood type and a father of A negative blood type have a child with AB blood type?

No, it is not possible. The parents' blood types do not have the necessary genetic components to produce a child with AB blood type.

Is it possible for 2 parents with type b blood to have a child with Type 0 blood?

Yes, they can have a child with blood type AB, which is the rarest of the four types.

Can a mother with a blood and father with ab blood have a child that is 0?


Can A positive blood and AB negative blood create 0 positive blood?

No. A parent with AB blood cannot have a child with O blood type.

Can parents with AB positive and A negative blood have a baby with 0 negative blood?


You and your son have 0 plus blood type your baby dad has ab?

If you and your son both have O positive blood types, it is impossible for the baby's father to have AB blood type. The child would inherit an O blood type from you.

If your father is type o positive and your mother is type ab negative what is the possible blood type of a 6th child?

The possible blood types for the 6th child would be A or B positive, as those are the combinations of blood type alleles from the parents' genotypes. It is not possible for the child to have AB blood type, since the father does not carry the A allele.

Man with blood type B marries a woman with blood type A and their child is blood type O what is the porbabtility their next child will be blood type AB or B?

The probability of their next child being blood type AB is 0% because neither parent carries the AB blood type. The probability of their next child being blood type B is 25% because the father carries the B allele, which can be passed on to the child.

Is it safe to have a child if both parents are 0 negative?

Can parents with both negative blood have a child and how much of a chance for that child having a dissabillity

What blood type must the parents of a B child be?

The parents must have both blood type B or blood type 0 and B.

Can 0 positive parents born an A positive child?

No, two parents who are both blood type O positive cannot have a child who is blood type A positive. Blood type inheritance follows specific rules, and in this case, it is not possible for two O positive parents to have a child with blood type A positive.