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Theoretically, a massive enough cloud of gas or dust, too massive to form stars, could collapse into a black hole. This is one ideas as to how the supermassive black holes in the cores of galaxies may have formed. Planets and other such objects cannot become black holes because they do not have enough force to completely collapse. Once it forms, a planet is about as compressed as it will ever be.

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1mo ago

Typically, only massive stars can become black holes. When these stars exhaust their nuclear fuel, they can collapse under their own gravity to form a black hole. Planets and other objects are not massive enough to undergo this process and become black holes.

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14y ago

No. The black hole is the last stage and it can take 10 to the 61st power x 13 billion years to die. (I don't know how else to type that)

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8y ago

Yes. A black hole can only form if gravity overcomes all opposing forces. Only massive stars have enough mass for this to happen.

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No planet has enough mass. A black hole is the result of gravity overcoming all opposing forces, resulting in complete collapse. No planet has enough mass for this to happen.

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Q: Can only stars become black holes or can other planets and massive objects become them too?
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Can planets become black holes?

The only thing that can end up a black hole is a star with about ten times more mass than our Sun. Planets are nowhere near that massive.

Can only stars become black holes.... or can other planets and massive objects become them too?

No - so far there is no body that is or was not a star that has enough mass (at least 3x our Sun) to become a blackhole. A planet doesn't have the internal energy to build up the gravitational field, comets etc are just not big enough.

Are black holes born from dying planets?

No, planets are not nearly massive enough to become black holes. Any object with more than about 80 times the mass of Jupiter would begin fusing hydrogen in its core, so it would be a star, not a planet. Even then, it would still not be massive enough to form a black hole.

Do only planets exert gravity?

No, all objects with mass exert gravity, not just planets. Stars, moons, asteroids, and even our own bodies all have gravitational pull. The strength of the gravitational force depends on both the mass of the object and the distance between objects.

Will Pluto become a black hole?

No. Pluto is nowhere near massive enough to become a black hole.

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Black holes are known to have the most intense gravitational pull in the universe due to their incredibly dense mass and compact size. Their gravity is so strong that not even light can escape from them.

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Can a black hole produce energy?

Sure. Do some reading on quasars - they are among the brightest objects in the universe. Also consider that black holes accelerate gases in their accretion disk, and that as these gases cross the even horizon, they have become so hot that they emit X-rays. The massive gravity of the black hole produces massive acceleration.

Do massive stars become neutron stars?

Some massive stars will become neutron stars. When massive stars die they will either become neutron stars or black holes depending on how much mass is left behind.

If 2 black holes join together what hole will it become?

A more massive black hole.

What are some objects with a lot of mass?

Some examples of objects with a lot of mass include planets, stars, black holes, and large celestial bodies like galaxies.

Which objects contain super massive black holes?

As best we can determine, every galaxy has one in its center.