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6d ago

It is unlikely that one person clapping five feet away from you would burst your eardrum. However, it could potentially cause temporary discomfort or mild hearing damage if the clap was very loud. Eardrums are sensitive, so exposure to loud sounds over time can lead to hearing problems.

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Q: Can one person clapping burst your eardrum if they are 5 feet away from you?
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What does a burst eardrum feel like?

A burst eardrum may cause sudden sharp pain or a feeling of fullness in the ear, followed by hearing loss and sometimes leaking of blood or clear fluid from the ear. It can also lead to ringing in the ear (tinnitus) or vertigo. Treatment is typically necessary to allow the eardrum to heal properly.

What is the method of dispersal of cotton plant and rain tree?

Cotton plant disperses its seeds through wind and animals. The seed pods burst open to release the cotton fibers and seeds, which are then carried away by the wind or by animals that eat the seeds. Rain tree disperses its seeds through explosive dehiscence, where the seed pods burst open forcefully, ejecting the seeds away from the parent plant.

What would happen if a gamma ray burst hit the earth?

If a gamma ray burst hit Earth, it could potentially strip away the ozone layer, leading to an increase in harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This could have catastrophic effects on the environment and life on Earth. However, the likelihood of a gamma ray burst hitting Earth directly is very low.

How does sound enter your ear without bouncing away?

Sound enters the outer ear and travels down the ear canal, where it causes the eardrum to vibrate. These vibrations are then transmitted through the middle ear bones to the inner ear, where they are converted into electrical signals that are sent to the brain. The shape of the ear and the presence of hair and earwax help to prevent sound from bouncing away.

How far away can you recognize a smile?

It is possible to recognize a smile from up to 300 feet away, depending on various factors such as lighting and visibility. However, the distance at which a smile can be recognized may vary from person to person.

Related questions

What does a burst eardrum feel like?

A burst eardrum may cause sudden sharp pain or a feeling of fullness in the ear, followed by hearing loss and sometimes leaking of blood or clear fluid from the ear. It can also lead to ringing in the ear (tinnitus) or vertigo. Treatment is typically necessary to allow the eardrum to heal properly.

Why do your ears pop when you travel in aeroplanes?

The air pressure increases as you move farther away from the Earth, which causes your eardrum to push inward.

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Cloud Burst - 2012 Clouds Clouds Go Away Bring Out the Sun Today 1-7 was released on: USA: 2013

Could You Survive A Gamma Ray Burst?

Yes, if it was over say 6000 light years away.

In COD Modern Warfare 2 are you able to use a FAMAS with a silencer and get 1 burst kills?

no it is not possible the silencer takes away the stopping power and wont kill in 1 burst unless you get a headshot.

What would happen if more fluid moved into the cell than it could hold?

I'm pretty sure the cell may burst, think of it as a balloon, if you fill it up with too much of anything it will burst. There was a story a while back where a woman drank too much water and her cells began to burst and she passed away. It is called cytolosis, when cells burst due to osmotic pressure.

When flushed the toilet on the ground floor gives out a burst of air and then will not flush the water away how can this be fixed?

Install a proper vent

What is the meaning of burst?

of Burst, To fly apart or in pieces; of break open; to yield to force or pressure, especially to a sudden and violent exertion of force, or to pressure from within; to explode; as, the boiler had burst; the buds will burst in spring., To exert force or pressure by which something is made suddenly to give way; to break through obstacles or limitations; hence, to appear suddenly and unexpectedly or unaccountably, or to depart in such manner; -- usually with some qualifying adverb or preposition, as forth, out, away, into, upon, through, etc., To break or rend by violence, as by an overcharge or by strain or pressure, esp. from within; to force open suddenly; as, to burst a cannon; to burst a blood vessel; to burst open the doors., To break., To produce as an effect of bursting; as, to burst a hole through the wall., A sudden breaking forth; a violent rending; an explosion; as, a burst of thunder; a burst of applause; a burst of passion; a burst of inspiration., Any brief, violent exertion or effort; a spurt; as, a burst of speed., A sudden opening, as of landscape; a stretch; an expanse., A rupture or hernia; a breach.

What you yell at an animal to send it away?

You can use phrases like "go away" or "shoo" to try to send an animal away. Remember to speak firmly and confidently to assert your authority. Alternatively, you can use a noise like clapping or shaking a can filled with coins to startle the animal and make it leave.

What care can you take to reduce noise and air and space pollution during Diwali?

burst crackers away from houses to reduce pollutions

How does a quasar burst away from a black hole if the black hole has infinite gravity?

It's only infinite around the event horizon.

What would happen to earth if it got hit by a gamma-ray burst?

Earth gets hit every day by gamma-ray bursts - from far, far away. Depending on how near the gamma-ray burst is, it may cause some serious damage.