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It us very un-likely.

Unless a persons digestive system/stomach is sensitive to salt water, the chances of death are 1 in a million.

Perhaps young babies/children could get very sick if they drunk a full glass of salt water.

Although, adults too may become sick/feel sick if they have an extremely strong glass of salt water.

If you have drunken a full glass of salt water and feel sick, perhaps you should consult your doctor. And perhaps it's best not to do it again.

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1mo ago

Consuming one glass of salt water is unlikely to kill a person, but it can lead to serious health complications like dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and kidney damage. It's important to seek medical attention if you ingest a large amount of salt water.

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When salt water evaporates does it turn in fresh water?

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Salt water can corrode glass over time, causing it to become cloudy or frosted. It can also cause pitting or etching on plastic surfaces, particularly if the plastic is not designed to be resistant to salt water. Both glass and plastic can be damaged by exposure to salt water if not properly cared for and maintained.

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The salt in the water does this. Consider a glass of water filled up to a line on the glass. Then add 3 teaspoons of salt to that glass of water and stir until the salt dissolves. You will find that despite the addition of the salt the water still only comes up to the line. What has happened is that the salt has gone into solution in the water and the mass of the salt is now part of (inside) the water - the density of the solution has increased.

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When salt water is poured into a glass containing cold tap water, the two liquids will initially mix together. Because salt water is denser than fresh water, it will sink to the bottom. Eventually, the two liquids may form distinct layers, with the denser salt water at the bottom and the less dense fresh water at the top.

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When you stir table salt into a glass of water, you are forming a solution. The salt particles dissolve in the water, creating a homogeneous mixture where the salt is evenly distributed throughout the liquid.

What is the salt called if a spoonful of salt is mixed in a glass if water?

a solute

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Will salt water kill you?

yes because the salt in the water is a dangerous compound.

If you dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water can you get it back?

yes you can,there are a number of ways. The simplest way,requiring no special skills or gear is to boil the water in the glass. When all the water has evaporated the salt will remain in the bottom of the glass.

How do you make salt water out of tap water?

Fill a glass with water and add salt out of its container to the water and stir. Voila you've got salt water.