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Q: Can nutrients cycle but energy can not?
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Defend the argument that nutrients can cycle but energy cannot.?

nutrients are used up and then excreted by your body one way or another. Energy is never lost, only transferred, therefore it cannot cycle.

What is energy cycle related to ecosystem?

The energy cycle related to ecosystem is the transformation of bio-geochemical energy. This is able to link biotic and abiotic factors and cycle nutrients which forms the ecosystem.

How does the cycling of nutrients within our planet differ from the cycling of energy?

Many nutrients get back to their starting point - the cycle repeats. There is really no such thing as an "energy cycle" - the energy comes from the Sun, and gets out into space - most of it won't ever get back to the Sun. Basically, energy can't be re-used.

The movements of energy and nutrients through living systems are different because of what?

The movements of energy and nutrients through living systems are different because energy flows unidirectionally and cannot be recycled, while nutrients cycle within ecosystems and can be reused. Energy enters ecosystems through sunlight and is lost as heat, whereas nutrients are constantly recycled through biogeochemical processes.

What argument that nutrients can cycle but energy cannot?

Nutrients can cycle through ecosystems because they are recycled and reused by organisms and geological processes. Energy, on the other hand, enters ecosystems in the form of sunlight and is eventually lost as heat through metabolic processes, making it a one-way flow that cannot be recycled in the same way as nutrients.

Why are decomposers a necessary part of a healthy ecosystem?

return nutrients to the environment so matter and energy can begin another cycle.

How cycle of nutrients is affected if the production of an ecosystem exceeds the limit?

we used for source of energy gugugu ninyo noi wahaha alo

When you eat food your body uses energy to turn the food into mechanical energy?


How does decomposition cycle energy into the biosphere?

Decomposition is vital in completing the cycle because dead matter is then allowed to re-enter the Earth, providing nutrients for plants that will later feed more organisms.

How is the movement of energy and nutrients different?

The movement of energy is one-way, flowing through ecosystems from producers to consumers and decomposers. Nutrients, on the other hand, cycle through ecosystems as they are taken up by plants, consumed by animals, and then returned to the environment through decomposition. Energy is lost as heat at each trophic level, while nutrients are recycled within the ecosystem.

Catabolic reaction that cells use to get energy from nutrients?

Cells use a process called cellular respiration to break down nutrients such as glucose into energy in the form of ATP. This catabolic reaction involves glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain. Overall, the process produces ATP by oxidizing glucose and other nutrients.

Is solar energy important to the nutrient cycle?

Solar energy is crucial for driving photosynthesis in plants, which is the primary source of organic matter production in ecosystems. This organic matter forms the basis of the nutrient cycle as it is consumed by other organisms and decomposed by microbes, releasing nutrients back into the environment. Therefore, solar energy is essential for sustaining the nutrient cycle in ecosystems.