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Q: Can neurons send impulses continously
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Do motor neurons send impulses to muscles or glands?

Motor neurons send impulses to muscles to stimulate muscle contraction. Glands are typically innervated by autonomic neurons that regulate secretions like hormones and enzymes.

What are sensory neurones?

Neurons that receive info & send impulses to brian or spinal cord.

Why electrical impulses are referred to as neural impulses?

Electrical impulses are referred to as neural impulses because a neural impulse cause electrical impulses. Neurons use electrical impulses to send messages.

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Projection Fibres

How are messages carries in neurons?

Neurons send electric impulses to your cells via the dendrites. The Axons carry the electrical impulses away from the cell. This process sends out signals to your brain for all of your body processes such as muscle movement.

What pick up the stimuli and send it to the brain or spinal cord?

Neurons, or nerve cells, pick up the impulses and send them to other neurons through axons and dendrites until it reaches the spinal cord.

Are neurons that relay impulses from sensory neurons to motor neurons?

Sensory Neurons

What are neurons that relay impulses from sensory to motor neurons?

Sensory Neurons

Neurons that move impulses from the brain?

Motor Neurons

What neurons that move impulses from the brain?

MOTOR neurons

What neurons carry motor impulses?

Motor neurons

What nueron conducts impulses faster?

Myelinated neurons conduct impulses faster than unmyelinated neurons.