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there is no genetic variation for natural selection to act upon

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Yes, and the strongest will survive.

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Q: Can natural selection occur without variation in a population?
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What requires natural selection to occur in a population?

Natural selection requires variation in traits within a population, heritability of those traits, and differential reproductive success based on those traits. Without these components, natural selection cannot act on a population.

Which of these is necessary for natural selection to occur genetic engeneering genetic variation asexual reproduction or enviormental stability?

Genetic variation is necessary for natural selection to occur. This variation provides the raw material for differential survival and reproduction, which drives the process of natural selection. Without genetic variation, there would be no differences for natural selection to act upon.

Why is phenotype variation necessary for natural selection and sexual selection?

Phenotype variation is necessary for natural selection and sexual selection because it provides the raw material for evolution to act upon. Variation allows for individuals within a population to have different traits, which may offer advantages in survival, reproduction, or mate selection. Without phenotype variation, there would be no diversity for natural selection and sexual selection to operate on, thereby limiting the potential for adaptation and species diversification.

What happens to a population without variation?

If all the members of a species were 100% identical (no variation) natural selection would have no effect. Members of such a species would die totally randomly with no influence from the selection pressure, so no natural selection could happen.

Which is more likely to be true natural selection or evolution?

Evolution, of course. Evolution can happen without natural selection in some cases; drift, flow. Generally though, natural selection causes evolution and then, by definition, would come first.

Related questions

Why must a population have a genetic variation in order for natural selection to occur?

Without variation there is nothing to select from.

What requires natural selection to occur in a population?

Natural selection requires variation in traits within a population, heritability of those traits, and differential reproductive success based on those traits. Without these components, natural selection cannot act on a population.

Evolution by natural selection works best on populatin having no variation?

Evolution by natural selection actually relies on variation within a population. Without variation, there would be no genetic differences for natural selection to act upon, leading to no evolution. Variation provides the raw material for natural selection to work with, allowing beneficial traits to be favored and passed on to future generations.

Which of these is necessary for natural selection to occur genetic engeneering genetic variation asexual reproduction or enviormental stability?

Genetic variation is necessary for natural selection to occur. This variation provides the raw material for differential survival and reproduction, which drives the process of natural selection. Without genetic variation, there would be no differences for natural selection to act upon.

Why is phenotype variation necessary for natural selection and sexual selection?

Phenotype variation is necessary for natural selection and sexual selection because it provides the raw material for evolution to act upon. Variation allows for individuals within a population to have different traits, which may offer advantages in survival, reproduction, or mate selection. Without phenotype variation, there would be no diversity for natural selection and sexual selection to operate on, thereby limiting the potential for adaptation and species diversification.

Why must there be genetic variation in order for natural selection to occur?

Genetic variation is necessary for natural selection to occur because it provides different traits and characteristics within a population. These variations create diversity, allowing some individuals to have traits that are more advantageous for survival and reproduction in certain environments. Without genetic variation, there would be no differences in traits to be selected for or against, and natural selection would not be possible.

Why is variation important for natural selection and what are the main sources of this variation?

Without variation natural selection would have nothing to select from that would confer survivability and reproductive success. on the organisms being selected against the organisms conspecifics and the immediate environment. Mutation and sexual recombination provide the main sources of this variation that is needed to make selection work. Mutation is the variation presented that causes the real adaptive change that can lead to speciation.

Is considered an important factor in natural selection?

Mutation is the important " starter " of the adaptive change engendered by natural selection. Variation is key to selection and without variation in organisms there would be nothing to select from for the survival and reproductive success of the organism against the immediate environment.

What is the starting point for all natural selection?

The starting point for natural selection is the variation present in a population due to genetic differences. This variation provides the raw material upon which natural selection acts, allowing individuals with advantageous traits to survive and reproduce at higher rates, leading to evolutionary change over time.

Why must there be Variation in the population in order for natural selection?

Without the subtle differences on organisms phenotypes what would natural selection select from? All organisms in a population are variants and some survive and reproduce better than other against the background of the immediate environment and these are selected by that environmental pressure.

Why could natural selection not occur without genetic variation in a species?

Natural selection relies on genetic variation to create differences in traits among individuals within a population. Without genetic variation, there would be no diversity in traits for natural selection to act upon, making it impossible for evolution to occur through the process of natural selection.

What must exist in a population before natural selection can act?

Competition + Variation. Classic example: Giraffes not always had long necks. There were variation in the species. When food sauces grew low competition increases and those with longer necks survived (more fruit/food at the top of trees) as they were more suited to the conditions. These long necked giraffes then breed and the offspring have long necks, thus natural selection of a "fitter" species. Hense - survival of the fittest.