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Yes, natural selection can be observed directly in nature through examples such as changes in beak size of Galapagos finches in response to food availability or bacteria developing resistance to antibiotics due to overuse. These observations provide evidence of how specific traits can become more or less common in a population over time based on their impact on survival and reproduction.

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Q: Can natural selection be observed directly in nature?
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Are natural selection and artificial selection opposites?

Natural selection and artificial selection are not opposites; rather, they are both mechanisms of selective breeding. Natural selection occurs in nature with environmental factors determining which traits are passed on to offspring, while artificial selection is guided by human intervention to produce specific desired traits in organisms. Both processes involve the differential survival and reproduction of individuals based on their inherited characteristics.

What is A logical explanation for events observed in nature?

A logical explanation for events observed in nature is the application of scientific principles and theories to understand the causes and mechanisms behind natural phenomena. By observing, measuring, and experimenting, scientists can develop hypotheses and theories that explain how and why certain events occur in the natural world. This logical approach helps us to make sense of the complexity and interconnectedness of the various processes that shape our environment.

why are structures not removed by natural selection?

Vestigial structures do not harm the organism. Nature selects against only harmful traits.

What did the similarities between fossil animals and modern animals suggest to Darwin?

In brief, those similarities Darwin observed suggested that those animals that he saw in fossil form passed along useful traits to modern animals. These traits had been selected by nature (natural selection) because of their value to newer generations.

What is a natural law?

large constructs explaining events in nature that have been observed to occur with unvarying uniformity under the same conditions! Usually mathematical representations of repeated observations.

Related questions

What is true about nature selection?

Natural selection usually causes a species to change gradually

What is a statement that summarzes a pattern found nature?

Natural Selection

A selection done by nature lol i know notin?

natural selection for example is a peppered moth.

What theory proposes that nature changes species?

theory of natural selection

Why is selective breeding known as artificial selection?

Selective breeding is known as artificial selection because you are selecting the mates instead of letting them select their own. It's bypassing nature so it's classified as artificial. Outside persuasion that directly effects the outcome of the natural selection.

Is evolution a natural selection?

Natural selection explains the process of evolution: evolution by natural selection. It basically means that species with the highest fitness (survival rate) will live, and be selected by nature for the characteristics they possess that make them more apt to survive. Because of natural selection, evolution occurs.

Can the basic mechanisms of evolutionary change be observed in nature?

Yes, the basic mechanisms of evolutionary change, such as natural selection, genetic drift, and gene flow, can be observed in nature. These mechanisms drive changes in populations over time, leading to adaptation to different environments and ultimately to the evolution of new species. Multiple studies and observations in fields such as ecology, genetics, and paleontology provide evidence for these mechanisms in action.

Is artificial selection or selective breeding a good analogy for the selection that occurs in nature?

Yes, artificial selection or selective breeding can be a good analogy for the selection that occurs in nature through natural selection. Both processes involve the intentional or environmental selection of traits that are beneficial for survival and reproduction, leading to changes in populations over time.

What role does the environment play on natural selection?

Nature plays no direct role in artificial selection. That is the difference between artificial selection and natural selection. Nature does play some indirect roles in artificial selection. One indirect role is in providing the organisms with which one beings the artificial selection. Another is in influencing the choices of the organism performing the artificial selection.

What is an example of a real life example of natural selection occurring in nature?

rush hour traffic

How does change occur in nature?

Natural selection. Which ultimately leads to evolution.Or God. Depending on your beliefs.

Is it true that the basic mechanisms of evolutionary change cannot be observed in nature?

No. Natural selection can work very quickly and the observed morphological and behavioral changes are well documented. The observations on both drift and gene flow can be determined in populations small enough in a very short time. Go here for greater detail.