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Yes, if the metal is warm enough or is exerting enough pressure on the surface of the ice.

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3mo ago

Yes, metal can be heated to a high enough temperature to melt ice. However, the rate at which it can melt ice depends on the specific type and temperature of the metal.

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Q: Can metal melt ice
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Does ice cream melt in metal pans?

yes it can and does

Will ice melt in aluminum?

Yes, ice will melt in contact with aluminum due to the metal's ability to conduct heat. Aluminum absorbs heat from the surroundings, leading to the transfer of heat to the ice, causing it to melt.

Will ice melt faster on metal board or plastic board?

Ice will typically melt faster on a metal board compared to a plastic board. This is because metal is a better conductor of heat, allowing it to transfer heat more efficiently to the ice. The plastic board acts as an insulator, slowing down the transfer of heat to the ice and thereby slowing the melting process.

What things melt?

you can melt ice, chocolate, rubber, glass, metal, cheese, fat, wax, butter, icing, sugar and lots more items!

Can you melt people?

No, it is not possible to melt people. Human bodies cannot melt like wax or metal.

How causes steel to melt ice?

There is no inherent property of steel that causes it to melt ice. Ice will melt if it comes in contact with something that is warm enough to melt it, regardless of what it is made of. One possible advantage that steel has is that, like any metal, it is a good conductor of heat. This would allow it to transfer heat more quickly than a nonmetallic substance.

Does ice with ice melt on it melt fast?


What happens if you melt an ice cube?

it will become water If you melt an ice cube it will melt

Does ice melt faster on metal or plastic?

Ice melts faster on metal because metal is a good conductor of heat, allowing heat energy to transfer quickly to the ice. Plastic is a poor conductor of heat, so it retains heat better and slows down the melting process of ice.

Is salt the same as ice melt?

no, but ice melt is a salt

How long it take an ice cube to melt in containers made of different materials?

The time it takes for an ice cube to melt depends on factors such as the material of the container, the temperature of the surrounding environment, and the size of the ice cube. However, generally speaking, containers made of materials with better thermal conductivity, such as metal, will cause the ice cube to melt faster compared to containers made of materials with lower thermal conductivity, such as plastic or glass.