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Antibiotics can only work against bacterium, whereas measles are caused by a virus.

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3mo ago

Measles is a viral infection, so antibiotics, which only work against bacterial infections, would not be effective in treating it. Antibiotics do not have any impact on the measles virus itself. Treatment for measles typically involves managing symptoms and providing supportive care to help the body fight off the infection on its own.

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14y ago

No. measles is viral in nature hence antibiotics will not work because these kind of drugs target bacteria only. viral diseases are managed supportively (comfort, adequate hydration and nutrition, etc) because viral diseases are self-limiting.

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Liza Khan

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2y ago

Antibiotics can only work against bacteria, whereas measles is caused by a virus.

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15y ago

Measles is caused by a virus. Antibiotics do not affect viruses. Another viral infection that does not need antibiotics is the common cold.

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15y ago

Measles is caused by a virus. Antibiotics cannot kill viruses. Antibiotics can only kill bacteria.

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11y ago

Measles is a virus and like most viruses there is no treatment, antibiotics mostly take care of bacterial infections.

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8y ago

Measles are not caused by a bacteria but by a virus. An antibiotic only kills living things and viruses are not alive.

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Q: If a patient has measles why would antibiotics not work?
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Why do antibiotics not work on all bacteria?

because it doesn't want to, i mean would you really want to work on someones bacteria. didn't think so!

The medicines that kill bacteria are called?

Antibiotics. Antibiotics work by killing or inhibiting the growth of bacteria, helping the body fight off bacterial infections.

How did measles affect the society?

Measles caused significant illness, complications, and sometimes death, especially among children. It led to increased healthcare costs, missed school and work days, and societal anxiety during outbreaks. Vaccination programs have been key in reducing the impact of measles on society.

What medicine can kill harmful bacteria?

That would be antibiotics. Antibiotics work with your immune system, reving it up, so it can kill batcerias in case of, per example, bronchitis or a strep in your throat. Topical antibiotics will also work on skin for cuts and such to prevent infection. However, you should not forget that antibiotics will also kill GOOD bacteria in your system, such as the ones in the digestive system and in a woman's vagina. There is a wide range of antibiotics that can be taken in pill form, and, as far as I am aware, they are only available through a prescription from your doctor. Some mild topical antibacterial cream are however available in pharmacies.AntibiotesIn 1928 Alexander Fleming found a medicine that can kill bacteria he got it from mould.Antibiotics.

What are used to fight bacterial infections?

Antibiotics are typically used to fight bacterial infections. These medications work by either killing the bacteria or preventing their growth and reproduction. It is important to use antibiotics only as prescribed by a healthcare professional to prevent antibiotic resistance.

Related questions

Why will antibiotics not cure a child of measles if they haven't had the MMR vaccine?

Antibiotics can only work against bacterium, whereas measles are caused by a virus.

Can oil of oregano be used instead of antibiotics for dental work for a heart patient?

NO If you are a patient with heart problems, do not take any risks. It is best to take the antibiotics before your dental treatment or you would be risking your life.

Can a patient with cyclosporine take antibiotics?

Yes, although it is recommended to steer clear of the Erythromycin based antibiotics. If the Penicillin based antibiotics will not work, other antibiotics such as cefuroxime (Ceftin) may work.

Antibiotics are used to treat viral infections like the flu True or False?

Antibiotics kill bacteria. Antivirals kill viruses. However, a patient with a viral infection might sometimes be given antibiotics to reduce the work the patient's defenses have to do or to stop opportunistic infections.

Do the newest FDA approved antibiotics for bacterial infections help with pneumonia?

You should only use the antibiotics that are SPECIFIC to the bacteria. If this is a viral pneumonia, antibiotics will not work. Antibiotics only work on bacteria. Antivirals work on viruses and antifungals work on fungi. The thing with antibiotics is that some only work on some bacteria and not on others. A sputum culture should be done to see which microbe is causing the problem and then see which drug will do the job. It is much quicker to do it this way and safer, in the long run, for the patient.

Can AIDS be treated with antibiotics?

False. There is no cure yet for AIDS. Antibiotics work on bacteria. So if an AIDS patient gets a secondary bacterial infection, it would be appropriate for them to take antibiotics to help with the bacterial infection. AIDS is caused by the HIV virus, so antibiotics would be ineffective for treatment of the AIDS itself, just secondary infections associated with the AIDS. They are especially prone to these because of the lowered ability of AIDS patients' immune systems to fight disease.

Will a pregnancy test work properly if i am on antibiotics for a uti?

It should do because antibiotics and hormones are not the same thing. Having said that, I would leave it until you are off the antibiotics

Do Antibiotics only work on bacteria or virus?

Antibiotics only work on bacteria.

Is sulfa trimeth used to treat bronchitis?

Not usually, because there are antibiotics that work better. The Sulfas are usually used in the treatment of bladder infections.However, if a patient is allergic to some antibiotics, then Triple Sulfa can be used to treat bronchitis. It is not the 'drug of choice' though.

What are Pathogens that cannot be treated by antibiotics?

Antibiotics will not work in viruses.

Can you give dog antibiotics to a cat?

You should never give antibiotics to any patient - cat, dog, human - without a prescription. The reason is that antibiotics only work for certain types of bacteria - if you use them for diseases that cannot be treated with that type of antibiotics, the medication will do more harm than good. It will not cure the disease, but the patient can experience unwanted side effects. In addition, misuse of antibiotics contributes to creating resistant bacteria that can cause very problematic diseases. Your vet will tell you what type of antibiotics, if any, your cat needs, and if leftover medication from your dog will do.

What will happen if you have a glass of wine with antibiotics?

your antibiotics might not work as they should.