Matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This is one of the most self defeating statement you have been teaching to your children. If matter can not be created, "it is not created". That means that matter does not exist. Vise versa, if it exists, it is "created". If it is "created" once it can be "created" again and again. If it is "created", it can be "destroyed" also. If it can be "destroyed" once, it can be "destroyed" again and again. The laws of nature are universal. That means they are never an one time event. So when the hydrogen get combined with oxygen, you get water. From the Uranium you get the lead after the decomposition. The phenomena is universal. It was repeated many times and going to get repeated many times. So you can not say that the matter was created once for all and now it can not be created again. As such the logic is complete here only. Here is an probable explanation. You can create the negative and positive electric charge by rubbing ebonite rod on wool. You can not destroy the negative charge with out the positive charge. Like wise you can not destroy the matter with out antimatter. But you do not find "enough" of antimatter in the universe. You can not find "enough" negative charge on the wool or "enough" of positive charge on the ebonite rod. So this is purely "the hypothesis" and very little but probably "enough" proof is there to support the same. (*) So you can not have the particle of matter, with out the corresponding particle of the antimatter in the space. So both are created at a time and annihilated at a time. This is subjected to the equation of Einstein, that is, E = mc 2. So some of the matter exist as energy and some of the antimatter exist as anti energy. ( You get energy from matter. So it fallows that you get "anti energy" from the anti matter.) So particles of matter and antimatter are created in the space at the same time. (**)(***) Think of the "Big bang". You had dense plasma in the initial thousands of years. Why all the particles of antimatter were not annihilated in that dense plasma? So the particles of matter and antimatter are created in the space around you, albeit in very little quantity, as on today also. It is the property of the space to produce particles and antiparticles, from nothing. That means, you get "equal" "energy" and "anti energy" from nothing. Both get precipitated to particles of matter and anti matter. Particles of matter get attracted to each other and particles of anti matter get attracted to each other due to gravitational force. It fallows that the particles of matter and antimatter will "repel" each other due to "anti gravity" effect. (****) So You have the universe of "matter and energy". It fallows that you have the universe made up of "antimatter and anti energy". They have been "Repelling" to each other due to "anti gravity" effect. So the universe made of antimatter has lost in the space. There may be many such universes made up of matter and anti matter. They may be forced to come closer to each other and annihilate each others. This may happen after events like Big bangs.So in the universe made up of matter, the matter can not be destroyed. As there is no "enough" antimatter to go for annihilation. In the universe made of antimatter, you can not destroy the same. as there is no "enough" of matter to annihilate the same. So you are told and made to believe that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. So the process of formation of matter and antimatter is not one sided. The process of annihilation also go hand in hand, probably.
(*) When you collide the electron and positron with great speed, they have enough kinetic energy and kinetic anti energy to give you two gamma rays. ( Logically one of them will be anti gamma ray.) When you collide proton and anti proton with great speed, they have enough kinetic energy and anti energy to give you electrons and positrons. So the matter and anti matter probably completely annihilated.
(**) It fallows that you get one electron with every proton. You get one positron with every electron and one anti proton with every proton. That means when you get one pair of electron and proton, you get one pair of positron and anti proton, at the "same" time. You get one neutron with every anti neutron.
(***) It fallows that in the universe made of anti matter, you have the same elements made of antimatter. They have the same chemical properties and chemical reactions.
(****) The gravitational force is directly proportional the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of distance between the masses. It fallows that the "anti gravitational force or the force of repulsion is directly proportional to the product of mass and anti mass ( or matter and antimatter) and inversely proportional to square of distance between them."
The law that states matter cannot be created or destroyed is known as the law of conservation of mass. It is based on the principle that in a closed system, mass is neither created nor destroyed, but only transformed from one form to another through chemical reactions or physical changes. This law is supported by numerous observations and experiments in the field of chemistry and physics.
.Matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This is one of the most self defeating statement you have been teaching to your children. If matter can not be created, means there is nothing like matter in the universe. If it is there, it is "created". If it is "created", it can be "destroyed" also. You can create the negative and positive electric charge by rubbing ebonite rod on wool. You can not destroy the negative charge with out the positive charge. Like wise you can not destroy the matter with out antimatter. But you do not find "enough" of antimatter in the universe. You can not find "enough" negative charge on the wool or "enough" of positive charge on the ebonite rod. So this is purely "the hypothesis" and very little but probably "enough" proof is there to support the same. (*) So you can not have the particle of matter, with out the corresponding particle of the antimatter in the space. So both are created at a time and annihilated at a time. This is subjected to the equation of Einstein E = mc 2. So some of the matter exist as energy and some of the antimatter exist as anti energy. ( You get energy from matter. So it fallows that you get "anti energy" from the anti matter.) So particles of matter and antimatter are created in the space at the same time. (**)(***) Think of the "Big bang". You had dense plasma in the initial thousands of years. Why all the particles of antimatter were not annihilated in that dense plasma? So the particles of matter and antimatter are created in the space around you, albeit in very little quantity, as on today also. It is the property of the space to produce particles and antiparticles, from nothing. Most probably you get "equal" "energy" and "anti energy" from nothing. Both get precipitated to particles of matter and anti matter. Particles of matter get attracted to each other and particles of anti matter get attracted to each other due to gravitational force. It fallows that the particles of matter and antimatter will "repel" each other due to "anti gravity" effect. (****) So You have the universe of "Matter and energy". It fallows that you have the universe made up of "Antimatter and anti energy". They have been "Repelling" to each other due to "anti gravity" effect. So the universe made of antimatter will have lost in the space. There may be many such universes made up of matter and anti matter. They may be forced to come closer to each other and annihilate each others. This may happen after events like Big bangs.
So in the universe made up of matter, the matter can not be destroyed. As there is no "enough" antimatter to go for annihilation. In the universe made of antimatter, you can not destroy the same. as there is no "enough" of matter to annihilate the same. So you are told and made to believe that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. So the process of formation of matter and antimatter is not one sided. The process of annihilation also go hand in hand, probably.
(*) When you collide the electron and positron with great speed, they have enough kinetic energy and kinetic anti energy to give you two gamma rays. ( Logically one of them will be anti gamma ray.) When you collide proton and anti proton with great speed, they have enough kinetic energy and anti energy to give you electrons and positrons. So the matter and anti matter probably completely annihilated.
(**) It fallows that you get one electron with every proton. You get one positron with every electron and one anti proton with every proton. That means when you get one pair of electron and proton, you get one pair of positron and anti proton, at the "same" time. You get one neutron with every anti neutron. (***) It fallows that in the universe made of anti matter, you have the same elements made of antimatter. They have the same chemical properties and chemical reactions. (****) The gravitational force is directly proportional the product of the masses and inversely proportional to the square of distance between the masses. It fallows that the "Anti gravitational force or the force of repulsion is directly proportional to the product of mass and anti mass ( or matter and antimatter) and inversely proportional to square of distance between them."
First of all, there is a confusion on scientific terms that confused the logic. Let us redefine the terms then we can correct the logic:
This world is composed of matter existence and non-matter existence. Non-matter existence is only composed of two things --- space and time. Matter existence is also only composed of two things --- mass and energy. Anything that has mass and energy is matter. Because "there is no such thing as a mass without energy" and "there is no such thing as energy without mass", we cannot (in a strict scientific sense) say anything that has mass or energy is matter. But we can say a mass state matter (such as a rock, water, air…) or an energy state matter (such as a photon, microwave, and radio wave…). So we should say: Matter existence is composed of two things --- mass state matter and energy state matter. Also if there are such things as anti-matter, dark matter, dark energy, they also should be grouped into matter existence, because they also have mass and energy (group anti-matter into non-matter is not a logically correct thing to do here, not in my humble physics).
Matter fundamentally exists in a process of mass - energy transformation. In normal conditions, it is the energy dissipation that transfers energy into mass. In extreme conditions, such as in a black hole, mass can be transferred into energy. These two processes mutual causing, mutual inducing and mutual maintaining. It is a never ending non-friction dynamic oscillating processes and matter only can exist in this processes.
So, becausematter included both mass state matter and energy state matter and matter do not only mean mass state matter while energy state matter is also matter, then we can say: matter cannot be created nor destroyed.
Natural law can never be wrong; it is always our understanding or interpretation of it that can be wrong.
"actually discovered the Higgs Boson that way: by creating it in high energy collisions" --- You are not using energy to create matter; you converted energy into mass in "the large hadron collider". That proved matter cannot be created out of nothing, it just mean energy state matter and mas state matter can be converted into each other.
This Higgs Boson --- god particle can create something out of nothing that just cannot be true. So far, all the arguments scientific society give are not convincing enough to make me believe something can be created out of nothing is true, and the law that matter cannot be created nor destroyed is wrong.
.Matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This isone of the most self defeating statement you have been teaching toyour children. If matter can not be created, means there is nothinglike matter in the universe. If it is there, it is "created". If itis "created", it can be "destroyed" also. You can create thenegative and positive electric charge by rubbing ebonite rod onwool. You can not destroy the negative charge with out the positivecharge. Like wise you can not destroy the matter with outantimatter. But you do not find "enough" of antimatter in theuniverse. You can not find "enough" negative charge on the wool or"enough" of positive charge on the ebonite rod. So this is purely"the hypothesis" and very little but probably "enough" proof isthere to support the same. (*) So you can not have the particle ofmatter, with out the corresponding particle of the antimatter inthe space. So both are created at a time and annihilated at a time.This is subjected to the equation of Einstein E = mc 2. So some ofthe matter exist as energy and some of the antimatter exist as antienergy. ( You get energy from matter. So it fallows that you get"anti energy" from the anti matter.) So particles of matter andantimatter are created in the space at the same time. (**)(***)Think of the "Big bang". You had dense plasma in the initialthousands of years. Why all the particles of antimatter were notannihilated in that dense plasma? So the particles of matter andantimatter are created in the space around you, albeit in verylittle quantity, as on today also. It is the property of the spaceto produce particles and antiparticles, from nothing. Most probablyyou get "equal" "energy" and "anti energy" from nothing. Both getprecipitated to particles of matter and anti matter. Particles ofmatter get attracted to each other and particles of anti matter getattracted to each other due to gravitational force. It fallows thatthe particles of matter and antimatter will "repel" each other dueto "anti gravity" effect. (****) So You have the universe of"Matter and energy". It fallows that you have the universe made upof "Antimatter and anti energy". They have been "Repelling" to eachother due to "anti gravity" effect. So the universe made ofantimatter will have lost in the space. There may be many suchuniverses made up of matter and anti matter. They may be forced tocome closer to each other and annihilate each others. This mayhappen after events like Big bangs.So in the universe made up of matter, the matter can not bedestroyed. As there is no "enough" antimatter to go forannihilation. In the universe made of antimatter, you can notdestroy the same. as there is no "enough" of matter to annihilatethe same. So you are told and made to believe that matter canneither be created nor destroyed. So the process of formation ofmatter and antimatter is not one sided. The process of annihilationalso go hand in hand, probably.(*) When you collide the electron and positron with great speed,they have enough kinetic energy and kinetic anti energy to give youtwo gamma rays. ( Logically one of them will be anti gamma ray.)When you collide proton and anti proton with great speed, they haveenough kinetic energy and anti energy to give you electrons andpositrons. So the matter and anti matter probably completelyannihilated.(**) It fallows that you get one electron with every proton. Youget one positron with every electron and one anti proton with everyproton. That means when you get one pair of electron and proton,you get one pair of positron and anti proton, at the "same" time.You get one neutron with every anti neutron.(***) It fallows that in the universe made of anti matter, you havethe same elements made of antimatter. They have the same chemicalproperties and chemical reactions.(****) The gravitational force is directly proportional the productof the masses and inversely proportional to the square of distancebetween the masses. It fallows that the "Anti gravitational forceor the force of repulsion is directly proportional to the productof mass and anti mass ( or matter and antimatter) and inverselyproportional to square of distance between them."
In a chemical reaction, the amount of matter remains the same. This is known as the Law of Conservation of Mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction; it can only be rearranged.
The law of conservation of matter
Matter can not be created nor destroyed during any process, so no matter can not be destroyed during a chemical change.
The law that states mass cannot be created or destroyed in chemical or physical changes is the Law of Conservation of Mass, also known as the Principle of Mass Conservation. This law implies that in a closed system, the total mass remains constant before and after any chemical or physical process, even if the substances undergo a change in form or state.
energy that can not be created or destroyedthe total number of atoms cannot change during a reaction.
The law that states that matter cannot be created or destroyed is the law of conservation created by Lavoisier.
This is the Law of Conservation of Matter.
matter cannot be destroyed or created..
Yes because matter cannot be created or destroyed and mass is a property of matter. Therefore, mass cannot be created or destroyed.
A statement that matter cannot be created or destroyed.
The law of conservation of matter is the law that says that matter cannot be created or destroyed, but can only change form
Matter cannot be created or destroyed according to the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. However, matter can undergo physical or chemical changes where its form or state can change, but the total amount of matter remains constant.
The law you are referring to is the Law of Conservation of Mass. It states that in a closed system, matter cannot be created or destroyed, only rearranged through chemical reactions or physical changes.
In a chemical reaction, the amount of matter remains the same. This is known as the Law of Conservation of Mass, which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction; it can only be rearranged.
According to the law of conservation of mass, mass cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. Similarly, according to the law of conservation of matter, matter cannot be created or destroyed in a closed system. These laws demonstrate that mass and matter remain constant throughout physical or chemical changes.
The principle that states matter cannot be created nor destroyed is the law of conservation of mass. This scientific principle is also known as the law of conservation of matter. It states that in a closed system, the total mass remains constant before and after a chemical reaction or physical change.
The law of conservation of mass states that matter cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed into different forms. This principle is based on the idea that atoms are never lost or created in chemical reactions, but are rearranged into new combinations. Therefore, matter can change from one form to another, but it cannot be completely destroyed.