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No not all isotopes are radioactive, However there certainly are several elements which have no stable isotopes.

these are the man made elements also known as "Not found in nature". such as:

Tc - Technetium (43)

Pm - Promethium (61)

Np - Neptunium (93)

Pu - Plutonium (94)

Am - Americum (95)

Cm - Curium (96)

Bk - Berkelium (97)

Cf - Californium (98)

Es - Einsteinium (99)

Fm - Fermium (100)
No, not all isotopes are radioactive. Only atoms that are unstable (carbon-14, etc.) are radioactive

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11y ago
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3mo ago

Isotopes can be either radioactive or non-radioactive. Radioactive isotopes are unstable and undergo decay, emitting radiation in the process. Non-radioactive isotopes are stable and do not emit radiation.

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15y ago

No not necesserily. because isotopes are of two types

# Ionic # non-ionic Mainly the ionic isotopes are radioactive. Some non-ionic are also radioactive but not all.

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13y ago

No, an isotope just means it's a variation on an element, it has a slightly different number of neutrons in its atomic structure, it doesnt make it radioactive.

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10y ago

Yes, by definition all radioactive isotopes have unstable nuclei. This causes them to decay in an attempt to reach a stable state.

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14y ago

Some isotopes are radioactive; other isotopes are nonradioactive.

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11y ago


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No, there are differences in chemical properties of different isotopes of the same element. For instance, certain isotopes will be radioactive while other isotopes will be stable and nonradioactive. Also, the different isotopes of hydrogen are significantly different depending on the number of neutrons present.

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Hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, chlorine, argon, xenon, and krypton are all gasses are usually found in nonradioactive isotopes. Hydrogen, chlorine, argon, and krypton have at least traces of naturally occurring radioactive isotopes, however.

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Not all isotopes are radioactive; the radioactive isotopes are unstable and emit radiations.

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No, americium is an unstable and radioactive chemical element.

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What happens to all radioactive isotopes?

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