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The two inner planets Mercury and Venus move in retrograde motion (east to west along the ecliptic) between their time of greatest distance from the Sun (elongation) to the east as an evening star and their greatest elongation west as a morning star.

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What two planets that retrograde motion around the sun?

Mercury and Venus are the two planets that retrograde motion around the sun.

What do the planets do to incur retrograde motion?

Retrograde motion occurs when planets appear to move backward in their orbit from our perspective on Earth due to differences in orbital speed. This illusion is caused by Earth overtaking a slower outer planet or being overtaken by a faster inner planet in their respective orbits.

What is the planet that rotates by retrograde motion?

Actually, 3 planets rotate in a retrograde motion, which, by the way, means that they rotate East to West, or in a counterclockwise motion. Most planets rotate in a clockwise direction, or West to East. The three planets that rotate in a retrograde motion are Venus, Uranus and Pluto.venus

Which two planets have Retrograde motion?

Venus and Uranus have retrograde rotation.There are other meanings of retrograde motion, but retrograde rotation fits the question best.

When a superior planet is in the middle of its retrograde motion what planetary configuration is it in?

When a superior planet is in the middle of its retrograde motion, it forms an opposition aspect with the Sun, with the Earth positioned in between. This alignment creates a geometric pattern known as superior conjunction, with the Sun, Earth, and planet forming a straight line in the same order.

Which planet rotates by retrograde motion?

Venus rotates by retrograde motion, which means it rotates in the opposite direction to most planets in our solar system. Its rotation period is longer than its orbital period, causing this unique motion.

What were epicycles used to describe?

Epicycles were used in ancient astronomy to explain planetary motion within a geocentric model. They involved the idea of planets moving in small circles (epicycles) while also moving along a larger path around the Earth.

What is retrograde motion as applied to a planet?

The "apparent" reverse or backwards motion of a planet as observed from Earth. The innermost planets appear to have a retrograde motion when viewed from Earth.

Do inner planets mercury and Venus experience retrograde motion similar to the outer planets?

Yes, both Mercury and Venus can experience retrograde motion. This is a result of their orbits being closer to the Sun than Earth's. When observed from Earth, their apparent motion sometimes appears to be moving backward against the background of stars before resuming its normal direction.

Why does Mercury undergo retrograde motion more than the other planets?

It doesn't. You may be thinking of Mars. Mars shows this effect because its distance and orbital speed are suitable.

The observed retrograde motion of planets led ptolemy to add blank to Aristotles system?

The observed retrograde motion of planets led Ptolemy to add epicycles to Aristotle's system. Epicycles were small circles that planets moved in on their larger circular orbits around Earth in order to explain the appearances of retrograde motion.

Why was retrograde motion important in astronomy?

Retrograde motion was important in early astronomy because it was thought to challenge the idea that the Earth was the center of the universe. The observation of retrograde motion led to the development of the heliocentric model of the solar system, with the Sun at the center and the planets orbiting in elliptical paths. Understanding retrograde motion helped astronomers refine their understanding of celestial mechanics and the true nature of the solar system.