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No, I don't believe so. The plants produce clean air, called oxegen, for us to breathe, or there would be too much carbon dioxide in the air.

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Bennett Bode

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2y ago
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14y ago

Of course they can. They have been doing that for hundreds of millions of years. In remote areas of the earth there is abundant plant life where there are no humans. Plants existed before humans did.

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Q: Can humans lives without plants
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Can plants live without humans and can humans live without plants?

yes. no.

Where on earth do bacteria lives?

Bacteria live in and on animals, humans and plants.

What would happen if all plants die?

If all the plants die,there will be no oxygen.and without oxygen the humans cannot breathe without it.

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Can humans live without photosynthesis?

No, humans cannot live without photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants and other organisms convert sunlight into energy, which ultimately sustains all life on Earth by producing oxygen and organic molecules that serve as food sources. Without photosynthesis, there would be no oxygen to breathe and no food to eat, making human survival impossible.

How has hydroelectricity affected the lives of people who use it?

the water floods over and kills the plants and forces humans and animals to move

No Humus is all dead animals nutrients. Microbes and earthworms can help the humus.?

yes. they help humans food grow which helps the humans by not starving them. Without food humans could not live.If your thinking about animals, animals need plants too, so without plants humans could not live.

Does solar energy affect us?

Solar energy is vital to our lives because it provides energy for every living thing. Without the sun, there would be no plants for animals to eat, and nothing for humans to eat either.

What do plants do with the oxygen they make from photosynthesis?

The oxygen that plants make is taken up by humans. The humans take the oxygen and transform it into carbon dioxide. When the humans do this then the plants take it and change it back into oxygen. This is a never-ending cycle, without plants, humans and animals would die out, without humans and animals, plants would die out.

Why do plants survive without humans?

Plants grew for millions and millions of years with no humans at all. Much, much later, humans learned to grow bigger and better plants for food . . . the tradeoff was that these better plants like wheat, rice, and strawberries became dependent on humans for water, fertilizer, and other care. But plants in general are similar to what they have always been, and are self-reliant.

Why can't humans exist without plants or other animals?

First of all, humans need plants and other animals for food. It is impossible to live a healthy life without both of them. Also, plants take in CO2, cleaning our air, and give off oxygen, so we can breathe. Without plants we would not be able to breathe and our air would become very polluted.

What are two reasons humans depend on plants for survival?

Because plants produce our oxygen and we can't live without oxygen, therefore we need plants to survive.