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Magma would likely contains trace amounts of gold, not nearly enough to be worth trying to extract. However, in areas of magmatic activity, gold is sometimes deposited in veins by the resulting hydrothermal processes.

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1mo ago

Gold does not melt from the lava of a volcano because the temperature required to melt gold (1,064 degrees Celsius) is higher than the temperature of most lava (700-1,200 degrees Celsius). Gold is not formed in volcanic eruptions but is typically found in veins within the Earth's crust.

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14y ago

Gold melts at 1064° Celsius, and lava is around 700-1200° Celsius. If you got lava that was hot enough, it would melt gold.

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Q: Can gold be melt from the lava of a volcano?
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This is a silly question...No! Magma (not lava) can melt (not burn) and include some material sorrounding it but could never melt an entire volcano as it would cool down and become solid in doing so.

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Lava is extremely hot molten rock that can melt materials with low melting points like metals and some types of rocks. However, it does not melt everything in the world as there are materials such as diamond that have much higher melting points than lava.

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A lava flow is where lava flows down the side of a volcano.

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Hot magma outside a volcano is called lava. Lava is molten rock that flows out of a volcano during an eruption.

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Yes, lava is on the outside of a volcano. Magma is on the inside of a volcano.

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You can use a microwaveable glass measuring cup to melt red or orange candy melts, then pour the melted candy into a volcano-shaped mold to create a lava effect. Once the candy hardens, it will resemble lava cascading down the sides of the volcano mold.

Is lava magma?

yes. magma is the lava that is in the volcano and lava is the magma that is outside a volcano

What does lava erupts through?

If you mean 'how does lava release itself from the volcano', it erupts through the volcano's crater. But if you mean 'how does lava erupt from the volcano', then sorry, I have no answers to that.

What prevents lava from melting a volcano?

There are a few reasons for this. First, the amount of lava on a volcano during an eruption is small compared to the volume of the volcano itself. For a large volcano the effect would be rather like puring a boucket of water on an iceberg. Second, in order to melt, the rock must first be greatly heated up as, compared to the lava, they are freezing cold. All of this heat must be lost by the lava, which cools as a result. In addtion, lava on the surface is also loosing heat to the air. Third, if you look at the temperatures, the lava is actually closer to solidifying than the rock is to melting. The largest mass of molten rock, called magma when it is underground, is usually stored in a magma chamber a few miles beneath the volcano. Some of the surrounding rock may melt and become part of the magma, but this usually does not spread too far as rock is a poor conductor of heat.

Will steel melt when touched by lava?

No. Lava is generally not hot enough to melt steel.