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Lucky Bamboo is a great house plant that needs very little care; a bit of water when it seems low and indirect sunlight. all depending on what you are really looking for. if you are looking for a large plant to flill up a spot in your home a sheffalera and peace lilys are very nice, looking for a hanging basket cant go wrong with a pothos all are very easy to care for

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11y ago

Plants which are best kept inside the house are commonly referred to as houseplants. Spider plant, Boston fern, English ivy, areca palm, golden pothos and aloe vera are all good examples of this sort of plant.

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9y ago

So called, 'House Plants' are commonly used as a decoration inside a home.

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Snake plants are good for air purification

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Q: Can certain house plants help remove toxins from the air?
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Do house plants affect the quality of air in a house?

Yes, house plants can improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen through photosynthesis. Some plants can also help remove toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene from the air, promoting a healthier indoor environment. However, the impact of house plants on air quality is relatively small compared to proper ventilation and air filtration systems.

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How does the analogy of a greenhouse help you understand how these gases can trap heat near earth?

Just as a greenhouse traps heat to keep plants warm, greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere trap heat to keep the planet's temperature stable. These gases, like carbon dioxide and methane, allow sunlight to enter the atmosphere but prevent some of the heat from escaping back into space, creating a warming effect.

How do plant help us?

Plants help us by producing oxygen through photosynthesis, which we need to breathe. They also provide food, medications, and materials for clothing, shelter, and other products. In addition, plants play a vital role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and reducing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

Information growing house plants?

This is a broad topic.I'd suggest starting with common house plants such as the African violet or Peace lily. They're easy and not fussy.You need to consider the following factors when growing house plants:LightSoilWateringFertilizingThese factors are often specific to certain plants, so you should check the details for the specific plant. Often plants come with a label that has care instructions.

Would a plastic item that melted on your stove spread harmful toxins throughout the house?

You just never know what is in certain plastics so open the windows, doors and put on the stove fan (but not if there are any flames.)

Will indoor hot shot foggers kill house plants?

Yes, indoor hot shot foggers can harm house plants by exposing them to toxic chemicals in the fog. It's best to remove plants from the area before using foggers and ensure they are placed back in a well-ventilated area after the treatment.

What has the author Maggie Baylis written?

Maggie Baylis has written: 'House plants for the purple thumb' -- subject(s): House plants 'House plants for the purple thumb' -- subject(s): House plants 'Maggie Baylis on practicing plant parenthood' -- subject(s): House plants

House plants increase oxygen in a home?

Yes, house plants release oxygen during photosynthesis, which can help improve air quality in the home. However, the amount of oxygen produced by house plants is relatively small compared to the amount we breathe, so while beneficial, they are not the primary source of indoor oxygen.

A will was written leaving real estate to a daughter 2yrs later he builds a house on the property is the house included?

Yes. The house is attached to the real estate. It would be included unless someone else is given the right to remove the house within a certain time period.

How do you decrease the price on your house on Sims 3?

remove furniture, plants, walls, doors, etc. Or use cheaper items to replace more expensive things.