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3w ago

While the bacteria in the kitchen garbage can may not directly make you sick, improper handling of garbage can lead to contamination and increase the risk of foodborne illnesses. It is important to wash your hands after handling garbage and ensure proper disposal to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria.

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Q: Can bacteria from the kitchen garbage can make you sick?
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Does having bacteria in your bodies make us sick?

no, unless you have a lot of bad bacteria in your body then yes

Where does all the bacteria that makes people sick come from?

Bacteria that make people sick can come from contaminated food, water, surfaces, or other infected individuals. These bacteria enter the body through ingestion, inhalation, or physical contact, leading to infections or illnesses. Proper hygiene, food safety practices, and vaccinations can help reduce the risk of getting sick from harmful bacteria.

Do you have bacteria when you are sick?

Yes, when you are sick you can have bacterial infections. Bacteria can cause a variety of illnesses such as strep throat, urinary tract infections, and pneumonia. Antibiotics are often prescribed to treat bacterial infections.

Is salmonella a bacterial virus?

No. They are bacteria. Viruses are non-living particles. They make you sick by landing on a living cell, reproducing using the cell, and then destroying the cell. The new viruses do the same. Bacteria are living single-celled organisms. The few that make you sick (about 1/15 of bacteria are pathogenic, meaning make you sick) make you sick by taking the nutrients out of other living cells. So, technically, since bacteria and viruses are completely different things, I don't think there's a such thing as a bacterial virus as one organism

Which kingdom of organisms is most likely to make us sick?

The kingdom of organisms most likely to make us sick is the kingdom of bacteria. Bacteria can cause a wide range of illnesses, including infections and diseases such as pneumonia, strep throat, and food poisoning.

Related questions

How bacteria makes you sick?

Bacteria can make you sick by entering your body and "attacking" you. In response, your body heats up in attempt to "fry" the bacteria.

Can poop make you sick if eaten?

It's loaded with bacteria. Yes, it will get you sick.

What bacteria can make you sick by eating uncooked food?

eggs cant really make u sick!!

What is one way the world would be different if bacteria didn't exist?

On a less serious point, we wouldn't have yogurt without bacteria. On a more serious note, we might be healthier on the one hand, but on the other hand, we'd have to live with much more biological garbage piled up. Since bacteria consume food-wastes, we would have to make bigger holes to bury the garbage. And since it would never decompose without bacteria, the "hills" we'd make by covering up garbage would soon become huge 'mountains' of garbage-dirt layers. Although bacteria are bad guys because they make us sick, they are great consumers and return nutrients to the soil.Perhaps instead of NO bacteria in the world, we should do more education about washing your hands, covering your nose / mouth when sneezing/coughing, and not over-using antibiotics.

Can bacteria make a person sick or better?

It actually can work both ways. Certain bacteria are good for you but mostly they can get you sick.

Is the purpose of bacteria to make us sick?


Can bacteria in beer make you sick?

BACTERIA release harmful toxins. VIRUSES take over your cells completely and make copies of themselves! : )

What will happen if you litter all the time?

Trash will pile up around you. It looks nasty, then it starts rotting and smells nasty. Plus, garbage all over will make you sick because harmful bacteria grow there.

What is the correct percentage of bacteria to make you sick?

There is no specific percentage of bacteria that will make you sick as it varies depending on the type of bacteria, your immune system, and other factors. In general, a high concentration of harmful bacteria is more likely to cause illness, but even a small amount of some bacteria can make you sick if they are pathogenic. It is important to practice good hygiene and food safety to minimize the risk of bacterial infections.

Does nurse shark get sick?

some nurse sharks can get sick by eating garbage because there in the middle of the ocean is garbage. so if they don't eat to much garbage they will not get sick and it is not often a nurse shark gets sick its only now and then

What are some bad things about bacteria?

it can make you get sickothers can get sick from you being sickand others get sick from it

Is bacteria used to make foods helpful or harmful?

Bacteria can be both helpful and harmful when used to make foods. Helpful bacteria are used in processes like fermentation to create products like yogurt, cheese, and sauerkraut. However, harmful bacteria can also contaminate food, leading to foodborne illnesses if not properly handled or cooked.