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yes ofcrse..i am also gonna get marriage with b + boy...hope it ll be work..

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1w ago

Yes, a B positive boy can marry an O positive girl. Blood type compatibility is not a factor that is considered when determining marriage compatibility.

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Q: Can b positive boy marry o positive girl?
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Can o positive blood group boy marry b positive blood group girl?

You can marry anyone, no matter the bloodtype.

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Can a O negative boy marry a B positive girl?

Of course, blood types do not affect marriage.

Can o positive boy can marry b negative girl?

Yes they can get married - blood types do not affect marriage.

Can b positive man can marry b positive girl?

Yes, they can get married.

Is there is any complexity in sexual life if A positive girl marry a B positive boy?

No complexity. Make sure your OBGYN is aware if there is a pregnancy involved.

Can o negative boy marry with b positive girl?

Yes, of course! Depending on the girl's underlying genetics the children will be either blood type 0 or B, rhesus factor positive or (rarely) negative.

Can a B positive girl and B positive boy give birth?

yes they can.