Yes, that is exactly how cell/virus free vaccines are made. They usually have much milder side effects than vaccines containing whole (killed or attenuated) cells or viruses.
Antigenic variation is a mechanism used by certain pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria, to change their surface antigens, making it difficult for the immune system to recognize and mount an effective response against them. This allows the pathogen to evade immune detection and establish persistent infections in the host.
Dead or altered viruses or bacteria that are used to stimulate the body's immune response are called vaccines. Vaccines contain weakened or inactivated forms of the pathogen, or certain proteins or subunits of the pathogen, to trigger an immune response without causing the disease. This allows the body to recognize and fight the pathogen more effectively if encountered in the future.
Many pathogens injure the host by producing toxins. Toxins are harmful substances produced by certain pathogens that can damage host cells, tissues, and organs, leading to the development of disease symptoms.
An intracellular pathogen is a pathogen that grows inside a host cell. Examples include viruses, some bacteria like Chlamydia, and certain parasites like Plasmodium.
Anything that causes disease is considered to be pathogenic. This includes viruses and bacteria. People who come in contact with certain of these organisms may become very ill.
Antigenic variation is a mechanism used by certain pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria, to change their surface antigens, making it difficult for the immune system to recognize and mount an effective response against them. This allows the pathogen to evade immune detection and establish persistent infections in the host.
Dead or altered viruses or bacteria that are used to stimulate the body's immune response are called vaccines. Vaccines contain weakened or inactivated forms of the pathogen, or certain proteins or subunits of the pathogen, to trigger an immune response without causing the disease. This allows the body to recognize and fight the pathogen more effectively if encountered in the future.
Antigenic variation involves changes in surface antigens on a microorganism to evade the host immune response, while phase variation involves reversible on/off switching of certain genes to alter the expression of specific surface molecules. Both mechanisms contribute to pathogen adaptation and immune evasion.
Because certain viruses and bacteria evolve to become resistant to the old vaccines.
Vaccines provides active immunity to certain diseases.
Many pathogens injure the host by producing toxins. Toxins are harmful substances produced by certain pathogens that can damage host cells, tissues, and organs, leading to the development of disease symptoms.
An intracellular pathogen is a pathogen that grows inside a host cell. Examples include viruses, some bacteria like Chlamydia, and certain parasites like Plasmodium.
in order to immunize them against certain diseases. (2) :)
Because it helps to prevent certain diseases to immunize our body
People are given vaccines so that they are protected from certain illnesses.
Anything that causes disease is considered to be pathogenic. This includes viruses and bacteria. People who come in contact with certain of these organisms may become very ill.