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no because they did'nt meat the sperm cell and the egg cell.

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1w ago

Animal cells divide and replicate to make new cells through a process called cell division. During cell division, a parent cell divides into two daughter cells, each containing a complete set of genetic material. This process allows animal cells to make new cells and replenish tissues in the body.

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Q: Can animal cells make their own cells?
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Why do animal cells need plant cells?

animal cells can't make their own food, plant cells can so animal cells need to eat plant cells

Which oraganelles are found in both plant cells but not in animal cells?

Chlorophyll- which gives it its green pigment, and the Cell Wall, animal cells only have a plasma membrane. animal cells dont need chlorophyll because they dont make their own food like plants.

What benefit would there be for animal cells to make their own food?

they would need to benefit from the sun or chlrophaste

Why do animal cells cannot make their own organic food?

dont no

Are there human cells?

no.humans are made of animal cells.but plants do have their own cells

How are animal cells and plant cells same?

No. The main differences is that a plant cell has a cell wall and a animal cell doesn't and the plant cell goes through the process of photosynthesis to make its own food. ~Naa'Irah T. :)

How are plant cells and animal cells same?

No. The main differences is that a plant cell has a cell wall and a animal cell doesn't and the plant cell goes through the process of photosynthesis to make its own food. ~Naa'Irah T. :)

Why can't animals make their own food using sunlight?

Animals do not have chlorophyll, the pigment necessary for photosynthesis in plants, which allows them to convert sunlight into energy. Instead, animals have evolved to obtain their energy by consuming other organisms or plant matter. This process is known as heterotrophic nutrition.

Why are vacuoles more important in plant cells than in animal cells?

I would say a plant because they make there own food and animals eat other things to get energy.

How to make animal and plant cells?

It pretty much has to do with sex to make the animal cell...

How are plants and animal cells different?

Plants cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts, which animal cells do not have. Plant cells also have a large central vacuole, while animal cells have smaller vacuoles or none at all. Additionally, plant cells can produce their own food through photosynthesis, while animal cells rely on external food sources.

What is the charateristic's of members of the plant kingdom that disquishes them from the animal kingdom?

Their cells have cell walls and chloroplasts. They make their own food through photosynthesis.