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No, because the domonite blood type would be AB positive. So you would most likely get a baby that is AB positive.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Yes, it is possible for an AB positive parent and an O positive parent to have an O positive child. The child would inherit one O allele from the O positive parent and one A or B allele from the AB positive parent, resulting in an O positive blood type.

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Q: Can an AB positive blood type and a o positive blood type a produce an o positive child?
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Can parents both blood type B positives have a child with O positive blood type?

Yes, two B positives can produce an O positive child.

Can an o positive father produce an a child?

yes it is VERY possible for an o positive father to produce an a child it doesnt really matter what blood type u r!

Can an O positive and an AB blood type produce a B positive child?

. No. A child can only have the blood type of the mother or father. If your child has a different blood type than either parent then everyone should be re-typed and if you're still typing differently, a DNA should be performed.

Father is O positive and Mother is A positive what will child blood type be?

The child could have blood type O positive, A positive, B positive, or AB positive. The child's blood type will depend on the combination of genes inherited from both parents according to the ABO blood group system.

What type of bloodType o posetive and o negative can produce a child with what type of blood?

O positive or O negative.

If the mother has B positive blood and the father has O positive what would the child's blood type be?

The child's blood type could be B positive or O positive.

Mom has a positive blood type dad has b negativeblood type can it produce a child with o positive blood type?

Since O blood is recessive and B is dominant, this scenario would be possible

If father has blood type B positive and mother has blood type AB positive what would be the blood type of the child?

the child's blood group will be AB-.

Is it possible for an o positive father produce an a child?

Yes, it would be possible if the mother had type A blood.

Can parents with a positive blood have b positive child?

If they both have type A blood, they cannot have a child type B.

Can an B positive blood type mother and an B positive blood type father parent an A positive child?

No. The child will be type B or O, it cannot be type A.