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Q: Can action potentials be propagated with out gaps in myelin sheath?
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Which structure if the neuron transmits an impulse through the myelin sheath?

Neural impulses (action potentials) are transmitted through axons which are covered in a myelin sheath for insulation.

What is the white lipid material that insulates the axon of a neuron?

The white lipid material that insulates the axon of a neuron is called myelin. In the central nervous system, myelin is created by oligodendrocytes while in the peripheral nervous system the myelin is created by Schwann cells. The purpose of myelin is to speed up action potentials. It's important to know that the myelin does not coat the axon entirely; each sheath of myelin is separated by a gap, called a node of Ranvier. These gaps are responsible for the quick transport of action potentials, due to the fact that the potentials can "jump" from node to node rather than having to travel down the entire length of the axon (this is called saltatory conduction).

The speed of transmission in a neuron will occur fastest if the myelin sheath around the axon is?

Thickest, as the myelin sheath acts as an insulator that helps to speed up the transmission of electrical signals along the axon by allowing the signal to "jump" from one node of Ranvier to the next. Thicker myelin sheaths result in faster signal transmission due to the ability to efficiently propagate action potentials.

What increases the speed of the transmission?

Myelin Sheath Myelin Sheath

What are schwann cell nucleus'?

myelin sheath

What increases the speed of impulse transmission?

Myelin Sheath Myelin Sheath

What is myelin sheath on nerve fibers?

The endoneurium surrounds and protects the myelin sheath.

The layer of lipid around an axon is called?

The layer of lipid around an axon is called myelin sheath. It acts as an insulator, allowing for faster transmission of nerve impulses along the axon.

What type of axon propagates an action potential faster?

Myelinated axons propagate action potentials faster compared to unmyelinated axons. This is because the myelin sheath insulates the axon and helps the action potential "jump" from one node of Ranvier to the next, a process called saltatory conduction.

What is the definition of myelin sheath?

A myelin sheath is a layer of myelin (a dielectric, or electric insulator) around the axon of a neuron.

What creates myelin sheath?

Oligodendrocytes are specialized neurolgical cells that produce myelin sheath.

What is the patchy disappearance in multiple sclerosis?

the Myelin Sheath Myelin Sheath Your welcome I had to look for it