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yes becaus they are called mid ocean ridges

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3w ago

Yes, volcanoes can form in the middle of tectonic plates, including the Pacific Plate. This type of volcano is usually known as a "hotspot volcano" and is caused by a hotspot of magma beneath the plate. The Hawaiian Islands are a prominent example of hotspot volcanoes that have formed in the middle of the Pacific Plate.

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Q: Can a volcano form in the middle of the pacific plate?
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What kind of plate boundary caused the Hawaiian islands to form?

The Hawaiian islands were formed by a hot spot. A hot spot is an area where magma from deep within the mantle rises to the surface, creating volcanic activity. The Pacific Plate moving over the hot spot has created a chain of volcanic islands, with the oldest island in the northwest and the youngest in the southeast.

Kileuea on tectonic plates or several plates?

Kilauea, the volcano is on one plate, the pacific plate, and it is right in the middle. The only reason the Hawaiian archipelago is there is because of a hot spot. There is pressure in the middle of the plate which causes magma to shoot up out of the top even though it is nowhere near a plate boundary. The reason that volcanoes become dormant is because over the years, the pacific plate moves over the hot spot, causing new volcanoes to form, therefore forming the Hawaiian islands.

Which 2 plates converged to form kilauea?

None. Kilauea formed at a hot spot in the middle of the Pacific Plate.

What plate does Hawaii sit on?

Actually, the Hawaiian Islands were not formed by plates colliding together. They are in fact in the middle of the Pacific plate. They were formed by a hot spot. A hot spot is a spot in the inside of a plate and magma rises up to the surface and becomes a volcano. The reason why there are multiple islands is because the Pacific Plate is moving. Once an island moves completely away from the hot spot it becomes an extinct volcano.

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Can a volcano form far from plate boundary?

Yes, volcanoes can form far from plate boundaries in locations known as hotspots. Hotspots are areas of volcanic activity that occur deep within Earth's mantle, causing magma to rise and create volcanoes on the surface. Examples include the Hawaiian Islands and Yellowstone National Park.

Why are most of the volcanoes located on the edge of the pacific plate in stead of the middle?

The edge of the Pacific plate is commonly known as the ring of fire. The reason that many of the worldsvolcanoes are located here is because there is active subduction along most of the edges of this major plate. While the middle of the pacific plate is rigid and unless there is a hot spot, as specifically the argued case for hawaii, or there is an oceanic ridge there is no heat source to generate sustained volcanic activity. Subduction is the process where two plates meet and one dives under the other one, the plate underneath begins to melt at a certain depth and the melt rises to form over time a volcano. This subduction is currently happening on almost every side of the pacific ocean.

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The plates responsible for the Eyjafjallajokull volcano are the Eurasian plate and the North American plate. The volcano is located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where these two plates meet and diverge, leading to volcanic activity underneath Iceland.

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Where would a volcano form?

at tectonic plate boundaries

Why can some volcanoes be found in the middle of plates?

Volcanoes in the middle of plates, such as the Hawaiian Islands, are typically created by hotspots—a localized area of upwelling magma from deep within the Earth's mantle. As the tectonic plate slowly moves over the hotspot, a chain of volcanoes is formed. These volcanoes are not associated with plate boundaries like most volcanoes.

What plates causes shiveluch to form?

The formation of Shiveluch volcano is attributed to the subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the North American Plate along the eastern edge of the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia. This subduction process has led to the melting of the crust, resulting in the formation of magma that eventually rises to the surface, creating the volcanic activity at Shiveluch.