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Yes.It infects fungi,plants,animals and bacterias

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1mo ago

No, viruses are specific to certain types of cells they can infect based on specific molecules on the cell's surface that the virus can attach to. This is known as the host range of a virus.

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Q: Can a virus infect any type of cell?
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Can a specific virus adhere to and infect any type of cell?

no it cannot

Is it true that a specific virus can adhere to and infect any type of cell?


What is the difference between a virus and lentivirus?

Well, a virus refers both lysogenic and lytic varieties. A lentivirus is a family of viruses that follow the lysogenic model of infection where the genetic information of the virus is integrated into the host cell's genome. What makes the lentivirus useful as a vector in genetic research is that it is the only type of virus capable of penetrating the nucleus, that is, it can infect the host's genome at any point in the cell cycle where every other lysogenic virus can only infect during phases of the cell cycle that see the nucleus broken down.

Are viruses devoid of any biochemical machinery and thus behave like dead particles inside the cell?

viruses behave like dead particles out of the cell and in specific out its particular cell. Once inside its cell, the virus uses the cell's machinery to "come alive" it then begins to reproduce and infect other of the same type of cell.

What do viruses that cause physical diseases infect?

It depends on what kind of virus. Viruses can infect any cell in the human body. Viruses such as HIV infect the immune system; air-born viruses, such as H1N1 or a cold, infect the respiratory system; neurological viruses, like rabies infect the brain (the virus is usually carried to it by peripheral nerves); and viruses like polio effect the nervous system, which can create paralysis.

Can a 2006 antivirus work on any year?

It will work, but the virus definitions will be out of date, so any virus made after 2006 CAN infect you.

Any virus infect hard disk store iso file?

ISO file cannot be infected by virus

Two examples of programs that a companion virus can infect?

Notepad.exe or any other exe file.

What is the definition of Macro virus?

They are viruses which normally infect ms word and ms excel

What is the difference between a file virus a system sector virus and a macro virus?

A file virus infects and spreads through executable files on a computer, while a system sector virus infects the boot sector of a storage device. A macro virus spreads through documents and applications that support macros, like Microsoft Word and Excel.

Cell in which a virus multiples itself?

A virus multiplies inside a host cell by taking over the cell's machinery to replicate its genetic material and produce more virus particles. This process usually results in the death of the infected cell as the newly formed virus particles are released to infect other cells.

What is permissible and non permissible?

Permissive cell let the virus that replicate in cell without any limited but condition of non permissive cell is not suitable for replication of virus in cell.