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the extent to which a solute can dissolve is called what

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Q: Can a solution be homogeneous and readily separate?
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Which separation technique can be used to separate a homogeneous solution?

whaty? niga?

Why can't you separate the soultion using a fillter?

Because a solution by definition is disolved particles. Once disolved, it is very difficult to separate. A solution is homogeneous.

Why can't we separate a solvent from solution by filtration?

Filtration is used to separate a solid from a liquid in a mixture, not to separate a solvent from a solution, which is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. To separate the solvent from a solution, techniques such as distillation or evaporation are typically used.

What is a heterogeneous and homogeneous solution?

A heterogeneous solution is one where the components are visibly separate, like oil and water. In contrast, a homogeneous solution is one where the components are uniformly distributed and not visibly distinguishable, like salt dissolved in water.

Is salt a solution or a homogeneous solution?

A solution of any sort is a homogeneous mixture.

Is brass a colloids or a solutions?

Brass is a solid solution. If you melted it, it would still be homogeneous, it wouldn't separate out...ever.

Is sugarwater a heterogeneous or homogeneous solution?

Sugarwater is a homogeneous solution.

What is a solution or a homogeneous mixture?

Air is a homogeneous mixture solution.

What does homogeneous mixture means?

A homogeneous solution is a solution without interfaces (a particle with visible sides/something floating around that is not completely saturated) that is not opaque. A heterogeneous solution is a solution with interfaces. A colloid is a solution that has no interfaces but is opaque. Saltwater (with the salt completely dissolved) is a homogeneous solution; water with sand mixed in is heterogeneous because it will eventually separate and the sand has interfaces: and skim milk is a colloid because it is opaque but has no interfaces.

How is homogeneous solution different from heterogeneous solution?

homogeneous is when the solution is mixed throughout and heterogeneous is not

When you compare a homogeneous mixture and solution what is different about a solution?

A solution is a type of homogeneous mixture where particles are evenly distributed at a molecular level. This means that in a solution, such as salt water, the solute (salt) is completely dissolved in the solvent (water) and cannot be separated by filtration.

Is a solution a homogeneous solution?

It depends on what solution you are talking about. However, generally when we say a solution we mean a homogeneous solution only. but in terms of science it is necessary to specify whether it is homogeneous or heterogeneous.