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Q: Can a person be allergic to natural gas?
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Can an allergic skin reaction spread?

No. You can not spread an allergic skin reaction. You can, however, spread the irritant or chemical that may cause an allergic skin reaction if your clothing or other items have the irritant or chemical in or on them and the person is sensitive or allergic to it. I don't know why you say No, its contagious. if you want Natural remedies for skin allergies please visit

Can a person have an allergic reaction to camphor?

Yes, a person can have an allergic reaction to camphor. I myself am allergic.

Can a person be allergic to fried chicken?

Yes, a person can be allergic to anything!

How fast can natural gas kill a person?

20 minutes

How does a person buy up natural gas for resale As a product not on commodity markets or futures.?

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What kind of allergic reaction do you get if you are allergic to watermelon. Or what can you get?

It depends on the person

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No natural gas is natural gas.

If your allergic to antihistamines are you allergic to histamines also?

Histamines are natural in your body, unless you have some Immunodeficency that I am unaware of.

Can a person be allergic to a Silicone Bracelet ?

Yes, people can be allergic to anything.

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Natural Gas

What is natural gas furnace?

Natural gas furnaces are a type of heating equipment that run solely on gas. Since they are not electric, they are more energy efficient. This is a great option if you're the kind of person who loves saving money!

Can a person be allergic to silicone turf?

i am allergic to it so um yes i am 21