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No, the blood types a and b are dominant alleles and would mask the recessive o blood type.

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Yes, it is possible for two parents, one with AB+ blood type and the other with O+ blood type, to have a child with O+ blood type. When two parents with different blood types have a child, the child's blood type can be a combination of the parents' blood types through genetic inheritance.

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Q: Can a parent with ab plus and the other parent with o plus have a child with o plus?
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Can an o plus mum have an ab- child?

Yes, an O positive parent and an M positive parent can have an AB negative child if both parents are carriers of the A and B genes and the child inherits one A and one B gene from each parent. This combination would result in the child having blood type AB.

If you are AB plus can your child have the same blood type as you?

The child can have the same blood type. It is possible if the child obtains the allele IA from one parent and IB from the other. So if a person with blood type AB provides IA or IB and the other parent provides the other allele, then the child may have the same blood type i.e. AB positive.

How can a child's blood type be A positive if mom is O positive and dad is AB negative?

If one parent is O positive and the other is AB negative, the child could inherit the A allele from the O positive parent and the Rh factor from the AB negative parent, resulting in the child being A positive. Each parent passes on one allele for blood type and one allele for Rh factor, so different combinations are possible.

What would be the possible blood group of a child if one of his parent has blood group AB and other has O?

The child could have either blood group A or B, but not AB or O. Each parent contributes one blood type allele, so the child could inherit an A allele from one parent and a B allele from the other, resulting in blood group AB. Alternatively, the child could inherit an A allele from one parent and an O allele from the other, resulting in blood group A, or a B allele from one parent and an O allele from the other, resulting in blood group B.

If a mother is A negative and father is AB positive what blood type could their child be?

I would need more information (like what blood types the child's grandparents are) to narrow it down. The child could be: - A negative - A positive - AB negative - AB positive - B negative - B positive

Related questions

Can an o plus mum have an ab- child?

Yes, an O positive parent and an M positive parent can have an AB negative child if both parents are carriers of the A and B genes and the child inherits one A and one B gene from each parent. This combination would result in the child having blood type AB.

If you are AB plus can your child have the same blood type as you?

The child can have the same blood type. It is possible if the child obtains the allele IA from one parent and IB from the other. So if a person with blood type AB provides IA or IB and the other parent provides the other allele, then the child may have the same blood type i.e. AB positive.

Can an O- parent have an A- child what is the other parental blood group?

yes, the other parent could be: A+, A-, AB+, or AB-

Can a person with AB- and a person with O plus have an O- child?

No, the parent with with AB- will contribute either A or B or both to the child.

If one parent is a plus and one is o- will the child be ab plus?

No. The child could be either AA or Ao and they would have plus or minus, depending on if the a plus parent has plus plus, or plus minus

What blood type will the baby have with the mother B plus and father is AB plus?

If one parent is B+ and the other parent is AB +, the child could be any blood type except type O. If the genotype of the parent with phenotype B is known, more detail could be given.

How can a child that is born with type AB blood?

the child takes the A gene from one parent and B from the other. And the both of parent are supposed to be AB blood type, or one A blood type and the other B.

Can b positive parent have child with a positive blood?

A B+ parent can have a child with A+ blood. The other parent must be type A or type AB for this to occur.

Can a O plus mother and O plus father have AB minus daughter?

No. O is recessive to all other blood types. So if you're O you can't carry A or B. An AB child needs each parent to be carrying either A or B. Therefore two O parents cannot have an AB child.

Can b blood and ab blood have a o blood child?

No - this is not possible. The child must inherit one allele from each parent. This means that if one parent is AB, they must donate either an A or a B to the child. This means that the only possible blood types are A, B and AB (depending on whether the other parent is BO or BB). If the parent with B blood type is homozygous, BB, then the child can only be B or AB.

Can B plus father and B plus mother have A1B plus child?

For a baby with AB blood type : both parents should be AB. or one is AB and the other is B. or one is A and the other is B.

How can a child's blood type be A positive if mom is O positive and dad is AB negative?

If one parent is O positive and the other is AB negative, the child could inherit the A allele from the O positive parent and the Rh factor from the AB negative parent, resulting in the child being A positive. Each parent passes on one allele for blood type and one allele for Rh factor, so different combinations are possible.