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Q: Can a liquid go straight to a solid?
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Is carbon a liquid at room temperature?

No. Carbon is a solid at room temperature and will sublimate (go from solid straight to gas i.e. no liquid) at 3900 Kelvin.

Does gas come before solid or after solid?

Both! The physical state of a substance can go straight from gas to solid, or can heat from solid to liquid and then to gas. The process a solid undertakes when it goes straight to its gas state from a solid state without first turning liquid is called sublimation.

How is liquid carbon dioxide formed?

It must be putbinto a pressure chamber so that it will not go straight from a solid to a liquid.

If we heat a solid it ultimately changes into a liquid?

Not always. Some go straight from solid to gas eg dry ice ... called 'sublimation'.

How liquid sublimates?

liquids don't sublimate, the definition of sublimation is a solid that changes directly into a gas with no liquid phase. an example of this is dry ice, which go's straight from solid phase to gas phase.

When a solid is heated does it melt?

Usually, but it can also pass the liquid phase and go straight to vapor. That is called "sublimation".

What happens when solid turns into gas?

The gas can't generally turn straight into a solid, it has to change into a liquid and then a solid. When a gas turns into a liquid, the particles go closer together into groups and condensate. When the liquid turns into a solid, the particles all compress into a small space thus making a solid object.-----------------------------------------------------------------------But the phenomenon of change from a gas to a solid is also very known and is called deposition.

Do the sublime elements have liquid state?

No, the sublime elements do not have a liquid state. Sublimation is the process in which a substance transitions directly from a solid to a gas without passing through a liquid phase. Examples of substances that sublime include dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) and camphor.

What are 2 solid substances that don't go through a liquid state when heated and go straight to gas?

Two solid substances that undergo sublimation, transitioning directly from solid to gas when heated, are dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) and camphor.

What temperature will an object go from a solid and a liquid?

There is no fixed speed for the transition of a substance from the solid phase to the liquid phase. The maximum speed this can happen at is the speed of light as this is how fast the energy can be transferred to a molecule, and there is no minimum speed. Some substances do not melt into a liquid. Instead they make the transition straight from solid phase into gas phase, and this is called sublimation.

When a solid dissolves in liquid where does it go?

it doesnt go anywhere. The solid breaks up in really small pieces, and mixes with the liquid.

What is it called when water turns straight form solid to gas?

When water turns straight from a solid (ice) to a gas (water vapor) without passing through the liquid phase, this process is called sublimation.