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not usually, most books fit into the normal genres: mystery, fiction, nonfiction, adventure etc.

I believe this person is referring to "genes," not "genres." To answer the question, then: yes, you can have genes that are not expressed. Recessive genes, for example, will not be expressed in heterozygous individuals; they will only be expressed in homozygous recessive individuals. For example; if you have the genotype Aa, the recessive gene - "a" - will not be expressed because the genotype contains a dominant allele, and the dominant allele will always be the one expressed. The only way that the "a" allele will be expressed is, again, if you are homozygous for that recessive gene (your genotype would be aa).

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13y ago
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1w ago

Yes, an individual can carry a gene that is not expressed, meaning it is present in their DNA but not actively producing its corresponding protein. This can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as the gene being switched off by regulatory mechanisms or not being triggered by certain environmental factors.

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13y ago

A recessive trait .and just in case you need it,a gene that is expressed in an organism is a dominant trait

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12y ago

Yes. These are called recessive genes

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Q: Can a individual carry a gene that is not expressed?
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What does recessive mean as it relates to genes?

A recessive gene is one that is only expressed if an individual has two copies of that gene. This means that the trait associated with the recessive gene is not visible unless an individual inherits two copies, one from each parent. If an individual inherits only one copy of a recessive gene, the dominant gene will be expressed instead.

Chromosome that has both dominant and recessive gene?

A chromosome can have both dominant and recessive genes for a specific trait, but only one gene will be expressed in an individual. The dominant gene will be expressed over the recessive gene in a heterozygous individual. This is known as the principle of dominance in genetics.

A genetic trait expressed in a person who has only one copy of the gene associated with the trait?

This is known as a dominant trait. Dominant traits require only one copy of the gene to be expressed in an individual. The presence of one dominant allele is sufficient to display the trait, even if the individual also carries a different allele for the same gene.

What form is a gene that is always expressed if present?

This is the dominate gene, and is normally represent by a capital letter. Then gene which is not expressed is the recessive gene and is represented by a lower case letter. For example the if someone had expressed a brown eyed phenotype and did not carry the gene for blue eyes it be represented as BB (B standing for Brown). If they expressed the brown eye phenotype and also carried the gene for blue eyes it would be represented as Bb (b does not stand for blue it stands for NOT BROWN) While if someone had blue eyes it would be represented as bb

What is meant by dominat and ressesivegene give an exampleof each?

A dominant gene refers to a gene that is expressed over another gene in the same position on a chromosome. It will always show its trait in the individual's phenotype if it is present in their genotype. For example, if a person inherits a dominant gene for brown eyes, they will have brown eyes regardless of whether they also have a recessive gene for blue eyes. On the other hand, a recessive gene refers to a gene that is not expressed when there is a dominant gene present. It is only expressed in the phenotype when there are two copies of the recessive gene in the genotype. An example is the gene for blue eyes, which will only be expressed when an individual has two copies of the recessive gene and no dominant gene for brown eyes.

Related questions

What does recessive mean as it relates to genes?

A recessive gene is one that is only expressed if an individual has two copies of that gene. This means that the trait associated with the recessive gene is not visible unless an individual inherits two copies, one from each parent. If an individual inherits only one copy of a recessive gene, the dominant gene will be expressed instead.

Chromosome that has both dominant and recessive gene?

A chromosome can have both dominant and recessive genes for a specific trait, but only one gene will be expressed in an individual. The dominant gene will be expressed over the recessive gene in a heterozygous individual. This is known as the principle of dominance in genetics.

Individual that has one copy of a expressed gene has a genotype known as?


Can a recissive gene be dominant?

No, a recessive gene cannot be dominant. In genetics, dominant genes are expressed over recessive genes when present in an individual's genotype. This means that if a gene is recessive, it will only be expressed if an individual inherits two copies of that specific recessive gene.

What is a version of a gene that masks the effect of another version?

A dominant gene is a version of a gene that will be expressed and mask the effect of a recessive gene in a heterozygous individual.

A gene that may not show up even though it is there is said to be-?

recessive. This means that the trait coded by the gene will only be expressed if an individual inherits two copies of the gene, one from each parent. If an individual only inherits one copy of the gene, the dominant gene will be expressed instead.

Can a single recessive gene can determine the nature of a trait?

Yes, a single recessive gene can determine the nature of a trait if it is expressed and not masked by a dominant gene. In cases where the individual inherits two copies of the recessive gene, the trait will be expressed.

Is an expressed gene turned off?

No. If a gene is expressed, it is turned on.

Genes that are only seen when paired with a recessive gene?

Recessive genes are only expressed when an individual has two copies of the recessive allele. If an individual inherits one dominant allele and one recessive allele for a particular gene, the dominant allele will be expressed phenotypically. The recessive allele will only be expressed if the individual inherits two copies of the recessive allele.

Dominant gene plus Dominant gene?

Two dominant genes will result in a homozygous dominant genotype. This means that the dominant trait will be expressed in the individual.

A genetic trait expressed in a person who has only one copy of the gene associated with the trait?

This is known as a dominant trait. Dominant traits require only one copy of the gene to be expressed in an individual. The presence of one dominant allele is sufficient to display the trait, even if the individual also carries a different allele for the same gene.

What form is a gene that is always expressed if present?

This is the dominate gene, and is normally represent by a capital letter. Then gene which is not expressed is the recessive gene and is represented by a lower case letter. For example the if someone had expressed a brown eyed phenotype and did not carry the gene for blue eyes it be represented as BB (B standing for Brown). If they expressed the brown eye phenotype and also carried the gene for blue eyes it would be represented as Bb (b does not stand for blue it stands for NOT BROWN) While if someone had blue eyes it would be represented as bb