I'm sure several hundreds of folks have purchased a car tracker, why do you ask?
Buy a GPS tracker and set it into car
OnStar has the ability to track your vehicle's location through GPS technology, but they only do so in certain situations like emergency services or if your vehicle has been reported as stolen. In normal circumstances, OnStar does not continuously track your vehicle's location.
In general, it is legal for a car lot to put a GPS tracker on a vehicle that they own, lease, or finance. It is important to review any contracts or agreements signed with the car lot to understand the terms regarding tracking devices. If you own the vehicle outright, they typically cannot track it without your permission.
You can contact the lender or the repossession company associated with the vehicle to inquire about its current location. They will typically have information on where the vehicle is being held or stored. Be prepared to provide details about the vehicle and your ownership or relationship to it.
If you have a stolen template on your vehicle then the car is not legal to be on the road. Call the motor vehicle office to have the problem resolved.
So they can trace the vehicle to its owner.Or if your car is stolen or you are in a wreck or a crime is committed including your vehicle. The state needs that information to protect you and everyone else from whatever happens involving your car.
No.Another View: The police may retain any items found in the car pending proof that they actually are your property.REMEMBER: The car was reported stolen... and then it was recovered and impounded. The perpetrators MAY have used the vehicle during a crime spree and stashed their stolen goods in the car. The owner of the stolen vehicle would not be the beneficiary of the stolen goods just because they were in his vehicle. and they may have to present proof that the items found in the car actually belong to them.
If you know the registration number of this vehicle, you can check easily by performing a online police stolen car check by paying a little money.
You cant report car stolen after being repoed, because the police have on file the vehicle as a repo. Once the vehicle is picked up it is reported so the authorities don't go out looking for a vehicle that hasn't been stolen.
A Vehicle tracker analyzes car and driver performance in a real-time manner accurately.It's mainly used for businesses to keep track of their drivers.
Get in contact with the company that fitted it. If it came standard with the car, contact the dealership.
He will report it as a stolen vehicle.
If you have theft insurance with your policy, yes. It should not matter where your vehicle was stolen.
Then it's a stolen vehicle.
In order to install a Real Time GPS Tracker in your vehicle you need to find an always on 12v wire (consult you car's manual) and hardwire your GPS device to the car by attaching it to that 12v wire.
it is a wiring system that monitor the movement of a car.it is been instulleda in a car to stand as a security to protect the car