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No, individuals with Turner syndrome typically have a karyotype of 45X. If a girl has a karyotype of 46XX, she would not be diagnosed with Turner syndrome.

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Q: Can a girl with a karyotype of 46XX still be diagnosed with Turners?
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Can 46xx be male phenotype?

No, 46,XX karyotype is typically associated with a female phenotype due to the presence of two X chromosomes. This combination usually leads to female sexual development.

Does turner's syndrome occur in all cells?

Turner syndrome is typically caused by a genetic mutation that affects all cells in the body. This results in females born with only one fully functioning X chromosome instead of the usual two. However, there can be variations in the severity and impact of the syndrome depending on the specific genetic abnormality present.

Turner's syndrome describe the genetic makeup of someone with this disorder?

Turner syndrome is characterized by the absence of all or part of one of the X chromosomes in females, leading to short stature and various medical issues. Most individuals with Turner syndrome have a karyotype of 45,X, meaning they have only one X chromosome.

What are characteristics of Turners syndrome?

Turner syndrome is a genetic condition where females are missing part or all of one X chromosome. Common characteristics include short stature, infertility, webbed neck, and certain physical features like low hairline and droopy eyelids. Girls with Turner syndrome may also have heart and kidney problems, as well as difficulties with spatial relationships and mathematics.

Are there different types of turner syndrome?

Yes, there are several types of Turner syndrome, including monosomy X, mosaic Turner syndrome, and partial X chromosome deletions. These variations in genetic makeup can affect the severity and presentation of symptoms in individuals with Turner syndrome.

Related questions

What does karytype mean?

Karyotype refers to genetic testing. A karyotype is a pictorial analysis of the number, form, and size of an individual's chromosomes. Cells from any nucleated replicating body tissue (except red blood cells, nerves or muscles) can be used for testing. The most commonly used tissues are white blood cells and fetal cells in amniotic fluid. The female karyotype is 46XX chromosomes and the male karyotype is 46XY chromosomes. Karyotypes can be used to determine the sex of a child and the presence of any gross chromosomal abnormalities

Does turner's syndrome occur in all cells?

Turner syndrome is typically caused by a genetic mutation that affects all cells in the body. This results in females born with only one fully functioning X chromosome instead of the usual two. However, there can be variations in the severity and impact of the syndrome depending on the specific genetic abnormality present.

Turner's syndrome describe the genetic makeup of someone with this disorder?

Turner syndrome is characterized by the absence of all or part of one of the X chromosomes in females, leading to short stature and various medical issues. Most individuals with Turner syndrome have a karyotype of 45,X, meaning they have only one X chromosome.

What does the karyotype of a person with turners syndrome look like?

A person with Turner syndrome typically has a karyotype with only one X chromosome (45,X). This is known as monosomy X. They may also have other abnormalities such as mosaicism or structural rearrangements involving the X chromosome. These chromosomal anomalies can result in physical and developmental characteristics associated with Turner syndrome.

What is the normal genotype for a human female 44XX or 46XX?

The normal genotype for a human female is 46XX, meaning she has 46 chromosomes, including two X chromosomes. A genotype of 44XX would be considered abnormal in humans.

What are characteristics of Turners syndrome?

Turner syndrome is a genetic condition where females are missing part or all of one X chromosome. Common characteristics include short stature, infertility, webbed neck, and certain physical features like low hairline and droopy eyelids. Girls with Turner syndrome may also have heart and kidney problems, as well as difficulties with spatial relationships and mathematics.

Are there different types of turner syndrome?

Yes, there are several types of Turner syndrome, including monosomy X, mosaic Turner syndrome, and partial X chromosome deletions. These variations in genetic makeup can affect the severity and presentation of symptoms in individuals with Turner syndrome.

How many chromosomes does a praying mantis have?

All organisms contain 46 chromosomes. A praying mantis will also have 46 chromosomes. The males have 46XX and the females 46XY.

Turner's syndrome individuals have which genotype?

Individuals with Turner syndrome typically have a genotype of 45,X, meaning they only have one X chromosome instead of the usual two. This genetic condition affects women and is associated with various physical and developmental differences.

What is the genotype for a girl with turners syndrome?

A girl with Turner syndrome typically has a genotype of 45,X, meaning she is missing one of the X chromosomes. This results in physical and developmental abnormalities due to the missing genetic information carried on the second sex chromosome.

How many chromosomes do hermaphrodites have?

Hermaphrodites can have a variety of chromosome combinations, depending on the species. In humans, individuals with both male and female reproductive organs (a type of intersex condition) typically have the usual chromosome pair of 46, but may have variations such as XXY or XYY. In other species, such as earthworms or snails, hermaphrodites may have different numbers of chromosomes.