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Q: Can a chromosome be a reproductive cell?
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The viral reproductive cycle in which a phage injects its DNA into a host cell and the DNA is inserted into the host cell's chromosome is called the?


The viral reproductive cycle in which a phage injects its DNA into a host cell and the DNA is inserted into the host cell's chromosome is called the cycle?

B) Lysogenic

If uekaryotic cell has one chromosome what is it called?

For a eukaryotic cell to have only one chromosome it must be a sex cell or a genome in an organism that normally only has 2 chromosomes per cell. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you mean...

The chromosome number after meiosis is denoted as?

The chromosome number after meiosis is denoted as haploid, meaning that the cells have half the number of chromosomes compared to the original cell. In humans, the chromosome number after meiosis is 23.

The viral reproductive cycle in which a phage injects its DNA into a host cell and the DNA is inserted into the host cells chromosome is called the?

motor cycle

What a types of cells is a gamete?


In what ways are sperm and ova similar?

Sperm and ova are both reproductive cells, known as gametes, produced by the reproductive organs of males and females. They each contain 23 chromosomes, and their main purpose is to combine during fertilization to form a new organism with a complete set of 46 chromosomes.

The viral reproductive cycle in which a phage injects its DNA into a host cell and the DNA is inserted into the host cells chromosome is called the what cycle?

The viral reproductive cycle you are describing is called the lysogenic cycle. In this cycle, the viral DNA integrates into the host cell's chromosome, remaining dormant until it is triggered to enter the lytic cycle.

What is a haploid female reproductive cell?

As you may know, almost all our cells contain pairs of chromosomes - 23 pairs to be exact. These are called diploid. Haploid cells contain only one chromosome from each pair. Reproductive cells (both male and female) are haploid, so they can fuse and form a diploid cell with chromosomes from both the male and the female. The female reproductive cell (which is haploid) is the ovum, or egg cell.

Why do you think chromosomes are held in a protected or secure location?

Actually every single cell in your body has a copy of every chromosome in your body, except for reproductive cells (eggs, and sperm) as these only carry half, so that they can combine with the other half, within the reproductive cell of the opposite gender

List these in order from smallest to largest chromosome gene cell?

Smallest to largest: Gene (a place on a chromosome); chromosome (there are 46 in human cells); and DNA (because it accounts for all the genetic material in a cell).

What is male or female reproductive cell?

In humans a male reproductive cell is the sperm, while the female reproductive cell is the egg.