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No, it would die.

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Q: Can a cell without a nucleus repair itself?
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What function of the cell will be hampered if nucleus and nuclear pore are absent?

If the nucleus is absent then protein synthesis will rapidly stop. Then the cell will rapidly accumulate damage and without the ability to repair itself it will die. A great example of this is red blood cells in non-avian mamals, as their nucleus is broken down during their maturation.

Is a mature red blood cell still considered a cell?

Yes. Even though it looses its nucleus and cannot reproduce or repair itself, it is still considered a cell.

Is a nucleus a plant cell?

No. The nucleus is the part of the cell that holds the DNA. Plant cells have a nucleus, but a nucleus by itself is not a cell.

What is the name for a cell with a nucleus?

It is an Eukaryotic cell. A cell without a nucleus is a Prokaryotic.

What are blood cells made of?

Red blood cells are produced in the red marrow of long bones. As the cell matures, the nucleus is removed and the cell is packed full of hemoglobin.Since the nucleus is gone and the cell can't repair itself, it will only live around 120 days.

A cell that has a nucleus?

Basically any cell; without a nucleus how will the cell know its function?

What if a cell had no nucleus?

There would not be a cell without a nucleus it is like saying what if a human without a brain. It is impossible.

What is Cell with nucleus?

It is called a Eukaryotic cell

Cell laking a nucleus?

a cell that does not contain a nucleus is called a prokaryotic cell, so an organism without a nucleus is called a prokaryote

Do you think a cell would function without a nucleus?

No, a cell cannot function properly without a nucleus. The nucleus houses the cell's genetic material and controls all cellular activities, including growth, metabolism, and replication. Without a nucleus, the cell would not be able to survive or perform its essential functions.

What is a cell without no nucleus?

A cell without a nucleus is called a prokaryotic cell. Prokaryotic cells lack a defined nucleus and their genetic material is located in the cytoplasm. Examples include bacteria.

Why prokaryotic is a cell without a nucleus?

because eukaryotic have a nucleus