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Yes, bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. That is why if someone was to shoot a target from a distance and you were standing beside the target, you would be able to see the target get hit by the bullet before you would hear the crack of the gun Some bullets travel faster than the speed of sound, but not all.

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15y ago
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3mo ago

Yes, bullets can travel faster than the speed of sound, which is around 343 meters per second at sea level. Most bullets fired from firearms can travel at speeds exceeding this, with velocities often reaching thousands of feet per second.

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11y ago

Yes, bullets travel faster than the speed of sound. That is why if someone was to shoot a target from a distance and you were standing beside the target, you would be able to see the target get hit by the bullet before you would hear the crack of the gun.

Some bullets travel faster than the speed of sound, but not all.

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14y ago

Yes, in a rocket, jet airplane, or other super-sonic machines.

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9y ago

the speed of light is faster than a bullet, bullets can go up to 2.5 kil. a second as of the speed of light can get from space to your room in a blink of an eye.

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15y ago

No! light is the fastest thing ever!!!1

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12y ago

Yes, the muzzle velocity is 2,346 ft/s

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Q: Can a bullet travel faster than the speed of sound?
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Does sound travel faster than a bullet?

No, sound does not travel faster than a bullet. The speed of sound is significantly slower than the speed of a bullet. On average, the speed of sound is around 343 meters per second (1235 km/h) in air, while the speed of a bullet can range from about 300 to 1500 meters per second.

What is faster than a bullet?

* The speed of light in a vacuum, * The speed of sound,

What is a supersonic bullet?

A supersonic bullet is a bullet that is faster than the speed of sound.

Do xrays travel at the speed of sound?

No, X-rays do not travel at the speed of sound. X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that travel at the speed of light, which is much faster than the speed of sound.

Is the concord air craft faster than a bullet?

Yes, the Concorde aircraft is faster than a bullet. The Concorde had a cruising speed of around 1,354 mph, while the speed of a bullet can vary depending on the type of bullet and weapon. Generally, bullets travel at speeds ranging from 1,200 to 3,500 mph.

Do missiles travel faster than sound?

Yes, missiles can travel faster than the speed of sound. Some military missiles are designed to travel at supersonic speeds, which exceed the speed of sound (approximately 343 meters per second in air at sea level).

What is faster a f-117 or a bullet?

Based on a little research I just did, the F117's maximum speed is just under Mach 1 (the speed of sound). Some bullets travel much slower than that, and some travel much faster, so it just depends on which bullet you're referring to.

What do you break when you travel faster than the speed of sound?

The sound barrier

Does sound travel faster than sound?

No, sound cannot travel faster than itself. Sound waves propagate at a specific speed in a given medium, such as air or water, and they cannot exceed that speed. The speed of sound varies depending on the medium through which it is traveling.

What is the type of jet that is faster than a speeding bullet?

A supersonic jet, such as the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, is faster than a speeding bullet. These jets can travel at speeds exceeding Mach 3, which is over three times the speed of sound.

What is faster the speed of sound or the speed of a .223 short magnum bullet?

The speed of a .223 short magnum bullet is faster than the speed of sound. A .223 short magnum bullet typically travels at speeds around 3,000 feet per second, which is much faster than the speed of sound at around 1,125 feet per second in air.

Does a rifle travel fast or the sound of the shot fired from it?

The bullet from a rifle travels faster than the sound of the shot fired from it. The speed of sound is approximately 343 meters per second, while the speed of a bullet can range from 700 to 1200 meters per second depending on the caliber and type of ammunition.