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The fastest manned vehicle record is held by a rocket, the Saturn V, on its return to Earth at the end of the Apollo 10 mission, achieving nearly 40,000 kph (just shy of 25,000 mph).

The (un-manned) New Horizons space craft is currently travelling at just under 55,500 kph (34,500 mph) en-route to Pluto.

The Voyager 1 probe was doing about 61,000 kph (38,000 mph) when it left the solar system. Both Voyager probes are still making their way through the Heliosheaf, and are still sending data back to Earth.

The fastest man-made object is the Helios 2 (solar observation) probe at 252,800 kph (157,100 mph). Helios 1 and 2 are no longer functioning, but are still orbiting the sun.

The speed of light (in a vacuum) is 1,079,252,850 kph (670,616,630 mph), which is, to put it mildly, rather a large gap.

Abandoning chemical rockets for advancing ion-based propulsion systems and solar sails, we may produce craft that greatly exceed all current speed records through the application of constant force over time. While they could take many years to achieve maximum speed, they would be capable of maintaining thrust for prolonged periods.

Even with all the time in the universe, there are other obstructions, however. The laws of physics, thus far in accordance with all predictions based upon Einstein's theory of relativity, dictate that as an object with mass approaches the speed of light, its mass will become infinite. The energy required to accelerate the object to light speed would be infinite. Even stranger, the length of the object or craft would become zero. These are impossibilities.

Knowing quite what happens at such velocities is something that we continue to strive for, and so far, everything that can be measured, whether it be the distance and velocity of astronomical objects, or readings taken of particles travelling at near-relativistic speeds in an accelerator, conforms to predictions using Einstein's theory.

At the very least, we can assume with some certainty that travelling at the speed of light would mean having to bend the physical laws of the universe in some weird ways. We have no idea if or how such laws can be bent, and we're certainly not going to achieve even near-light speeds with conventional rockets any time soon.

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12y ago
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10y ago

There is nothing that prevents an object from moving at the speed of light or faster relative to you. What cannot happen is for you to accelerate to the speed of light relative to your starting inertial frame of reference.

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10y ago

No. No object with mass can travel at the speed of light. That would require an infinite amount of energy. Missiles travel at a few hundred to a few thousand miles per hour depending on the type.

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15y ago

no so far in recorded history nothing man made has every gone the speed of light

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10y ago

Of course. Why not ?

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Q: Can a body reach the speed of light?
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from a purely mathematical stand point, if something were to reach the speed of light the time dialation/length contraction formula would yield something over 0. This is beacuse the formula is: constant/[(1-(velocity/speed of light)^2] as you can see, if velocity=speed of light, you get something over zero.