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I'm not certain what this question is really asking. If read literally, I would assume yes, a mother and a father can parent an AB positive child provided they are capable adults. If the question is asking can a man have a child that has a different blood type than his, the answer is yes. A baby will have either mom or dad's blood type. Now if dad is O pos and mom is AB pos and the baby's blood type is neither one of those, I would suggest DNA testing for that baby.

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1mo ago

Yes, a Type O father and a Type AB mother can have a child with any blood type due to genetic inheritance. The child could inherit the father's Type O blood type, the mother's Type AB blood type, or any other blood type depending on the combination of genes passed down from both parents.

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14y ago

Blood type is really simple. The blood type that you are is the type of antigen that you have in your blood. So if you're blood type A, you have antigen A in your blood. Thus, your body naturally produces antibodies the the other blood type (B). That's why if you get type B blood in your body, it clots. Your body's antibodies to type B will cling onto the antigen B's dumped in your body and create clots.

Because of this, sometimes, if a baby has blood type B, and the mother is type A, the mothers antibodies will reject the baby. However, there are shots you can take to stop this from happening.

Understanding blood types though, shows that a type AB mother should be able to carry a baby with any blood type, because type AB is the universal receiver. The mother has both antigen A and B in her blood, and thus, has no antibodies to either. She can take blood from anybody, including any child she will carry.

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12y ago

yes just because they don't have the same blood type doesnt mean there baby isn't going to be normal

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Q: Can a Type O father and a Type AB mother have a normal child?
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What is the blood type of the father if the mother is O plus and the child is A?

Must be AA, or AO because the mother having O blood, which is homozygous recessive, must be OO. The signs mean little here except the father must carry them and the child inherited them from the father.

Can b positive child have an a negative father?

Yes, it is possible for a child to have a different blood type than their father. A child inherits one blood type allele from each parent, so if the child receives a B allele from their mother and an A allele from their father, they can have blood type B.

Can an O positive mother and an O negative father have an A positive child?

No. The child will be type O+ or O-.

Can an B positive blood type mother and an B positive blood type father parent an A positive child?

No. The child will be type B or O, it cannot be type A.

If a mother has O negative blood and her child has A positive blood what type of blood should the father have?

The blood would be A+, the child's is always pretty much what the Father's is.

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Should a child with A positive be same as the mother?

Blood types are received from the mother and father, so the child can be the same type as the mother if the father's type allows it.

if a mother blood type o+ the father blood type is b+ the child is a+ can he be father that child?

Yes, the father with blood type B+ could be the biological father of a child with blood type A+. A child can inherit a different blood type from their parents due to genetic inheritance involving multiple alleles for the ABO blood group system.

Can a Type B child with a Type A mother have a father with Type A blood?

I'm not sure how negative or positive is determined, but a B mother and O father can have a B child.

If mother and father is A blood group can child be B positive?

If the mother is A, and the father is A, then the child will only have A antigens and will thus be blood type A. If father or mother are AB, then the child can end up with AB, A, or B blood type.

Is it possible to have a child which is type A when the father is type b and the mother is type O?


Can a type A mother and type A father have a type B child?

No that's impossible.

Could a father with a blood group ab have a child that is O blood group?

Absolutely. A child will either have its mother's blood type or its father's blood type. If the mother's blood type is NOT O, then someone else is the father.

Can a mother with blood type r-a and father with o - positive blood have a chaild with a-a blood type?

He mother and father have nothing to do with the child's blood type

How can you get your child's fathers blood type without him knowing?

You can limit what possible blood types the father has if you know the mother's and the child's. For example, if the child is type O, the father cannot be type AB, and if the child is type AB, the father cannot be type O.

Can a child has blood type B if a mother has blood type B and father has blood type O?

Yes, the child's blood type can be B if the father has o.

Can a mother of o blood group have a healthy child with a father o?

can a mother of o blood group have a healthy child with a father type o

If the mother is A positive and the father is O positive what would the child's blood type be?

If the mother is A type blood and the father is O type blood, there are two options that can arise. Either the mother's A-type goes through and the child's also an A-type, or the mother's A-type doesn't go through an the child's an O-type. Because neither parent sport a B-type in their blood, the child cannot possibly have this blood type.