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No they cannot. If a parent is O, that means that their blood is IOIO, a child from this pairing would have inherited both O's from the parents.

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No, two O positive parents cannot have an AB positive baby. Inheritance of blood type follows specific patterns, and a child cannot have a blood type that is not possible based on the parents' blood types.

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Q: Can Two o positive parents have a ab positive baby?
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Can parents who are b positive have ab positive baby?

Yes, it is possible for parents who are B positive to have an AB positive baby. This would occur if one parent is B positive with the genotype BO and the other parent is AB positive with the genotype AB. The child could inherit the A and B alleles from each parent, resulting in an AB blood type.

Can both parents with A positive have a child with AB positive?

No. If two parents both have A blood then they are either AA or Ai. This means they can have a child with AA, Ai, or ii (O blood). To get AB there must be a B somewhere.

Can parents both blood type b positive have a child with blood type ab positive?

Yes, it is possible for two parents with blood type B positive to have a child with blood type AB positive. This is because the child can inherit one B allele from each parent to make blood type AB.

Can two parents with b positive make o positive?

Yes. The child will be either A positive or B positive or even AB positive. If the grandparents have a negative (A negative, B negative), there is a slight chance that the child will have a negative. A type O is out of the question. The fact that there are two positive parents means that there is no risk to the mother of Rh negative disorders.

Can parents that are both a negative have an ab positive child?

No. If both parents are A negative the child can only be A negative or O negative. If the child is AB positive at least one parent must have type B or AB blood and at least one must be RH positive.

Related questions

Can two parents with AB positive blood harm the baby?

No, it will not.

Can a baby with ab positive blood group come from parents with o positive blood group?

Yes! Yes indeed. Does the baby look like the mailman? No. O parents can't make AB babies.

Can parents who are b positive have ab positive baby?

Yes, it is possible for parents who are B positive to have an AB positive baby. This would occur if one parent is B positive with the genotype BO and the other parent is AB positive with the genotype AB. The child could inherit the A and B alleles from each parent, resulting in an AB blood type.

Can o positive and a postivie make ab positive baby?

yes, if you both are ab pos you can have a o neg baby. it depends on what the grandparents on both sides have as well as the parents and which is "dominate"

Can parents with AB positive and A negative blood have a baby with 0 negative blood?


Can two parent with A and a parent with AB positive and have O negative baby?


Can baby have O positive if mother is B positive and father is A positive?

Yes, for parents with blood type A and B, the child can have blood types A, B, AB, or O

Can both parents with A positive have a child with AB positive?

No. If two parents both have A blood then they are either AA or Ai. This means they can have a child with AA, Ai, or ii (O blood). To get AB there must be a B somewhere.

Can two parents with O positive blood have a child with AB negative blood?

No. O is recessive. The parents would have to have A and B phenotypes in order for their child to have AB- blood.

Can parents both blood type b positive have a child with blood type ab positive?

Yes, it is possible for two parents with blood type B positive to have a child with blood type AB positive. This is because the child can inherit one B allele from each parent to make blood type AB.

Can two parents with b positive make o positive?

Yes. The child will be either A positive or B positive or even AB positive. If the grandparents have a negative (A negative, B negative), there is a slight chance that the child will have a negative. A type O is out of the question. The fact that there are two positive parents means that there is no risk to the mother of Rh negative disorders.

Will there be any abnormalities for children if parents are both blood type AB?

Both parents being type AB does not cause problems, no. The child will be type A, B, or AB. However, if the mother is negative, and the father and child are positive, it is possible for the baby to be at risk.