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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Herpes Simplex 2 typically appears in the genital area. It is less common for the virus to appear on other parts of the body like the back after the initial outbreak. If you have concerns about a skin rash in a different location, it's best to consult a healthcare provider for an evaluation and proper diagnosis.

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Q: Can Herpes Simplex 2 appear on your back after having first outbreak in the lower part of your body?
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What are cold sores caused by?

Cold sores or fever blisters are normally caused by the herpes simplex virus. This virus often takes place around the lips and mouth area. They appear to be red blisters which are often painful and annoying.It's pretty much kinda like herpes. You can get it from someone who has it. Both herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) cause herpes complex.

Can you play basketball if you have herpes?

You can play basketball if you have herpes. If you're having an outbreak, you should not play unless you can cover the affected area.

Is it ok to swallow semen if your partner has herpes?

No. Herpes is a virus and can spread. Most likely you would get cold sores around your mouth. Cold sores are herpes simplex and the same as genial herpes. The person you are having sex with will give you herpes if it is active.

If you have an anal rash is it herpes?

Herpes simplex one is a viral infection that is spread through contact with another individual. If contact occurs with someone is having an outbreak, herpes can appear on any region of the body.

How is herpes transmitted from one person to another?

Herpes is spread by coming in contact with the herpes virus. The herpes virus can be spread even when a person isn't having an outbreak.

Herpes viral culture of lesion?

DefinitionHerpes viral culture of a lesion is a laboratory test to check if a skin sample is infected with the herpes simplex virus.See also:Genital herpesHerpes labialis(cold sores)Serum herpes simplex antibodiesAlternative NamesCulture - herpes simplex virus; Herpes simplex virus cultureHow the test is performedA sample from a skin lesion (often a genital sore) or blister is needed. The health care provider will collect the sample during an active outbreak and place it in a laboratory container. The sample must include cells, not just fluid from the blister, because the virus is in the skin cells of the blister or ulcer.At the laboratory, the sample is placed in a special dish and watched for the growth of the herpes simplex virus, or substances related to the virus. Special tests may also be done to determine whether it is herpex simplex virus type 1 or 2.Results are available within 16 hours to 7 days (usually 2-4 days), depending on the laboratory method used.How to prepare for the testThe sample must be collected during the worst part of an outbreak. This is considered the acute phase of infection.How the test will feelWhen the sample is collected, you may feel an uncomfortable scraping or sticky sensation. Sometimes a sample from the throat or eyes is needed. This involves rubbing a sterile swab against the eye or in the throat.Why the test is performedThe test is done to confirm herpes simplex infection. The diagnosis is often made by physical examination (the health care provider looking at the sores), and the cultures and other tests are used to confirm that diagnosis.Normal ValuesA normal (negative) result means that the herpes simplex virus did not grow in the laboratory dish and the skin sample used in the test did not contain any herpes virus.Unfortunately, a normal (negative) culture does not guarantee that you do not have a herpes infection or have not had one in the past.What abnormal results meanAn abnormal (positive) result may mean that you have an active infection with herpes simplex virus. Herpes infections include herpes genitalis, which is genital herpes, or cold sores on the lips or in the mouth.If the culture is positive for herpes, you may have recently become infected or you may have become infected in the past and are currently having an outbreak.What the risks areRisks include slight bleeding or infection in the area where the skin sample was removed.Special considerationsThe viral culture for herpes test is most likely to be accurate when a person is newly infected (during the first outbreak).ReferencesGupta R, Warren T, Wald A. Genital herpes. Lancet. 2007; 370(9605):2127-37.

What causes blistered lips?

herpes virus or allergy to the sun The Herpes virus that causes lip blisters is not an STD, it is a virus called Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HPV1). The sexually-transmitted disease type of Herpes is HPV2. So don't worry, having those sores on your lip doesn't mean you have an STD.

What should you advise to a lady having miscarriage with positive rubella and herpes simplex virus?

Not to be rude, but if you have herpes... please dont consume... that child will have it. And for the miscarriage, everyone in some time goes through it, takes time to heal. Just next time, know who your partner sleeps with or what he/she has before you let them in...

Can you give someone herpes complex 2 from having a cold sore?

Cold sores may be caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2. A person with a cold sore may pass the virus to someone else who has contact with the sores, or with the area just before the sores break out.

Genital Herpes: Symptoms, Testing and Treatment?

Herpies is a common sexually transmitted disease that affects at least one-fifth of the population of the United States. Approximately 80% of people with herpes do not know they have the disease and at least one million new infections are diagnosed each year in the US. Genital herpes can be treated but cannot be cured. Read on to learn more about this common disease.What is herpes?Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2. Another type of the virus that occurs in and around the mouth is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1.What are the symptoms of genital herpes?Many people that have genital herpes never experience symptoms. Other people have symptoms so mild that they go unnoticed. Some people experience symptoms that last for weeks before subsiding. Symptoms can return at any point during life, even years after the initial outbreak.Common symptoms of genital herpes include blisters, open sores, itching, painful urination or inability to urinate and pain in the genital area. Patients may also experience chills, headache, flu-like symptoms, fever, swelling of the arms, throat or genitals and fatigue.The first symptoms tend to appear about 14 to 20 days following infection but some patients have no symptoms for years before having an outbreak.How is herpes diagnosed?The only way to know for sure if you have herpes is to see a medical professional. A physical exam may be performed if you are experiencing symptoms. If you have not had an outbreak, a blood test can determine your status.Can herpes be treated?Although there is no cure for herpes, the disease can be treated. Certain medications can help relieve symptoms and shorten the length of an outbreak. At home, herpes patients can lessen their discomfort by taking a warm bath and wearing lightweight clothing. Pain medications such as aspirin can also provide relief.

Can you get HIV from herpes 2?

It's possible. People with herpes can be more suceptable to getting HIV because it can pass more easily through open sores or blisters. So some one with herpes should abstain from having sex while they have any signs of a break out. But just so you know because some one has genital herpes that doesn't always mean they have HIV too.