

Can Amoeba make it own food?

Updated: 6/23/2024
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12y ago

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Amoeba can not make it own food because it is not autotrophs since it has no chloroplast.

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1w ago

No, amoebas cannot make their own food through photosynthesis like plants can. Instead, they obtain nutrients by engulfing and absorbing small particles and organic matter from their environment through a process called phagocytosis.

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Organism that can not make their own food?

An amoeba (as just one example!).

Is a amoeba a consumer?

Yes, the amoeba cell is a consumer. It is a consumer because it dose not produce its own food.

Is an amoeba plantlike?

Nope! An amoeba is animal-like because it is a heterotroph, meaning it has to find its own food source.

Do amoeba's produce their own food?

No they do not. They "eat" through a process known as phagocytosis.

Is an amoeba an autotoph?

If an amoeba can create its own fuel using a process like photosynthesis, then yes. If it has to scavenge for its food, like herbivores, then it is a heterotroph.

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An amoeba and a Volvox are two examples of protists. The amoeba is heterotrophic (does not make its own food), and the Volvox is autotrophic (makes its own food through photosynthesis).

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Is amoeba proteus a heterotroph or an autotroph?

Amoeba is a heterotroph i.e they absorb their food directly from the external environment. Some are parasites. Amoeba eat algae, bacteria, plant cells and also protozoans.Amoebas engulf their food. They are heterotrophs. They cannot make their own food.

How does food storage and digestion take place in amoeba?

The digestion of food in Amoeba takes place in the food vacuole. :)

What is an organism that cannot makes its own food is?

heterotroph An amoeba (as just one example!).

How do you describe how an amoeba feeds in your own words?

An amoeba feeds by engulfing food particles through a process called phagocytosis. It surrounds the food particle with its cell membrane to form a food vacuole, which then fuses with lysosomes to digest the food. The nutrients are then absorbed into the cytoplasm for energy and growth.

What stores food in amoeba?

Food is stored in food vacuoles within an amoeba. When an amoeba engulfs food particles through phagocytosis, the food vacuole forms around the ingested material. Enzymes then break down the food inside the vacuole for digestion.