

CO2 per kg of timber

Updated: 6/30/2024
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12y ago

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Assuming timber is pure cellulose = (C6H10O5)N it will burn in air giving

C6H10O5 + 6O2 -----> 6CO2 +5H2O so 6 moles of Carbon dioxide per mole of wood.

The molecular weight of cellulose monomer is 162 so in 1kg there are 1000/162 moles.

Therefore 1000/162 x 6 x22.4 = 830 liters of Carbon Dioxide. Or alternatively

1000/162 x 6 x 44 = 1630g of Carbon Dioxide. Numbers rounded up to zero decimal places.

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1w ago

The amount of CO2 emitted per kg of timber varies depending on the type of wood and the process used to harvest and transport the timber. On average, the CO2 emissions from harvesting and transporting timber are estimated to be around 1 to 2 kg of CO2 per kg of timber. However, this can be offset by the carbon sequestration capacity of trees during their growth, making timber a relatively carbon-neutral building material when managed sustainably.

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How does an automobile using 11.5 barrels of oil create 5 tons of carbon dioxide?

To obtain the number of grams of CO2 emitted per gallon of gasoline combusted, the heat content of the fuel per gallon is multiplied by the kg CO2 per heat content of the fuel. The average heat content per gallon of gasoline is 0.125 mmbtu/gallon and the average emissions per heat content of gasoline is 71.35 kg CO2/mmbtu.

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The average person produces about 2.3 kg (5.1 lbs) of CO2 per day through respiration. Therefore, 10 people would produce approximately 23 kg (51 lbs) of CO2 in one day.

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About 0.3 kg of hydrocarbon fuel is burned to produce 1 kWh of energy. About 1 kg of CO2 is produced by the power plant (the extra mass comes from oxygen absorbed from the air). An average house might use 20 kWh per day which corresponds to 6 kg (12 lb) of coal and 20 kg of CO2.

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On average, a commercial airplane emits about 53 pounds of CO2 per mile. The exact amount of CO2 emissions can vary depending on factors such as the type of aircraft, distance traveled, and load factors.

How much carbon is released into the atmosphere when 1 liter of diesel is burnt?

I'm seeing notes indicating that 1 gallon of Diesel contains 2.778 KG of carbon, and when burnt it will release approximately 22.384 pounds of CO2 per gallon.Let me convert to metric:3.785 liters per US Gallon.2.2 lbs / kg.So, 1 gallon releases 10.17 kg of CO2.1 liter of diesel releases about 0.73 kilos of Carbon, and 2.68 kilos of total CO2

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