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Q: Based on your answer in Part A calculate the number of atoms in this amount of 13C Express your answer numerically in atoms of carbon.?
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The principle used to calculate the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by land is called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it into carbohydrates while releasing oxygen as a byproduct. This process helps to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

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To calculate the fixed carbon, the moisture, ash and volatile matter contents (express the weights in percent) are added together and this sum is subtracted from 100 percent. Fixed Carbon = 100% - % (moisture) -% (ash) - % (volatile matter)

How does carbon 14 find the age of an object?

Carbon-14 dating measures the amount of carbon-14 isotope in a sample. Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope that decays at a known rate over time. By comparing the amount of carbon-14 in a sample to the amount of stable carbon isotopes, scientists can calculate the age of the object.

How do you calculate age using carbon dating?

Carbon dating measures the amount of carbon-14 remaining in an object to determine its age. By comparing the amount of carbon-14 to carbon-12 in a sample, scientists can calculate the approximate age of the object. The half-life of carbon-14 is about 5,730 years, so by measuring the proportion of carbon-14 remaining, scientists can estimate the age of the sample.

How do you find solubility of carbon dioxide in sodium hydroxide?

To find the solubility of carbon dioxide in sodium hydroxide, you can conduct an experiment where you bubble carbon dioxide gas through a solution of sodium hydroxide and measure the amount of carbon dioxide that dissolves in the solution. You can then calculate the solubility of carbon dioxide in sodium hydroxide by dividing the amount of CO2 that dissolves by the volume of the solution.

When carbon disulfide is formed from its elements heat is absorbed Calculate the amount of heat in kJ absorbed when 5.66g of carbon disulfied is formed?

The molar mass of carbon disulfide (CS2) is 76.14 g/mol. To calculate the moles of CS2 in 5.66 g, divide the mass by the molar mass: 5.66 g / 76.14 g/mol = 0.074 moles. Since heat is absorbed when CS2 is formed, we know this process is endothermic. You will need to know the molar enthalpy of formation (ΔHf) of carbon disulfide to calculate the amount of heat absorbed.

How can carbon-14 dating provide the age of a dead animal or plant?

The half-life of carbon is known in living organisms- the amount of carbon-14 remains constant, after death. no new carbon-14 enters the organism, scientists measure the proportion of carbon-14 in the organism and calculate how it differs from the amount that would have been there if the organism would be alive, from this differenct, they determine the age.

How do you calculate the sustainability of a material?

The sustainability of a material takes into consideration:The size of its carbon footprint, which is measured by some of the following:Whether the material is renewable or notThe amount of energy used to produce it (carbon dioxide emissions)The amount of water used to produce itThe amount of carbon emissions from its transportIts longevity. Is it used once and then thrown away, or is it used over and over?

What products does Carbon Express offer?

Carbon Express is a high quality game and hunting specialist company. They offer products such as Carbon Arrows, which are sturdy and designed for larger animals, and they also offer a variety of crossbows.

What does a carbon footprint refer to?

The amount of carbon dioxide a person produces

What percent of carbon by mass in C17H19NO3?

To calculate the percentage of carbon in C17H19NO3, first find the molar mass of the compound which is the sum of the molar masses of each element. The molar mass of C17H19NO3 is approximately 285.31 g/mol. Then calculate the molar mass contributed by carbon (17 carbon atoms) which is about 12.01 g/mol per carbon atom. The total mass contributed by carbon is 17 * 12.01 = 204.17 g/mol. Finally, express this mass as a percentage of the total molar mass: (204.17/285.31) * 100% ≈ 71.53%. So, carbon represents approximately 71.53% of the mass in C17H19NO3.

How is the amount of carbon-14 in an artifact related to its age?

The amount of carbon-14 in an artifact can be used to estimate its age through a process called carbon dating. Carbon-14 is a radioactive isotope that decays at a known rate over time. By measuring the amount of carbon-14 remaining in an artifact, scientists can calculate how long it has been since the organism died and stopped replenishing its carbon-14 levels.