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Motor oil is a type of lubricant that typically consists of long-chain hydrocarbon molecules. These molecules are held together mainly by weak van der Waals forces, which are a type of non-covalent bonding.

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Q: Based on the physical propertys of motor oil what type of bonding does it have?
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What type of chemical bonding does motor oil have?

Motor oil primarily consists of molecules with covalent bonds. These bonds result from the sharing of electrons between atoms within the molecules, providing the oil with its fluid properties and stability under high temperatures and pressures.

What type of bonding is found in motor oil?

The primary type of bonding found in motor oil is non-covalent interactions, such as van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding. These interactions help to stabilize the components of the oil and contribute to its overall properties and performance.

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Physical Development is how someone develops physically. This includes their fine motor skills, gross motor skills and fine manipulative skills.

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What physical property separates motor oil and sugar?

sorry but i have no idea

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Yes you need a bond to get a dealer license.?

Yes, you need a bond to get a dealer license. All states have their own specific requirements for the dealer license. Some set the license and bonding requirements based upon the number of cars the are sold each year. Check with your local motor vehicle department.