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Q: Based on distribution of earthquake epicenters Why is nazca plate along east pacific rise a divergent boundary rather than convergant boundary?
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Are active volcanoes and earthquake epicenters near each other?

Yes, active volcanoes and earthquake epicenters can often be found near each other because they both occur at tectonic plate boundaries where there is significant geologic activity. Volcanoes are often associated with subduction zones and divergent boundaries, where earthquakes are also common due to intense tectonic activity.

What are divergent boundraries?

Divergent Boundaries are where the data doesn't fit the normal distribution. The point at which the data diverges is the divergent Boundary.

What type of plate boundary forms earthquake?

earthquakes indicate both convergent,divergent and transform fault plate boundaries

How does an ocean earthquake work?

An oceanic earthquake works almost similar to any earthquake on land. In an underwater earthquake, the seafloor moves, causing vibrations in the ground and shockwaves. When near land, these tremors can be felt. Depending on the magnitude and the type of plate boundary (convergent, transform or divergent), it can cause tsunamis.

Was it a divergent earthquake?

A divergent earthquake is not a term commonly used in geology. Earthquakes are typically classified based on the type of fault movement that causes them, such as normal, reverse, or strike-slip earthquakes. It is more accurate to refer to earthquakes based on the type of faulting that occurred rather than using the term "divergent."

What four types of plate movements can cause earthquakes?

The four types of plate movements that can cause earthquakes are convergent boundaries, divergent boundaries, transform boundaries, and subduction zones. These movements can result in the buildup of stress within the Earth's crust, which may eventually be released in the form of an earthquake.

What type of plate boundary was involved in morocco earthquake?

The Morocco earthquake was caused by the movement of the African Plate colliding with the Eurasian Plate along a convergent boundary. This collision resulted in the uplift of the Atlas Mountains and the seismic activity in the region.

What is the type of movement that is usually associated with the weakest earthquake?

Well, the weakest earthquakes form at divergent boundaries, therefore, weaker earthquakes form where plates pull apart from each other

What is a boundary where 2 plates move apart?

It is called a divergent plate boundary.

What is an antonym for the word divergent?

divergent are kisses

Is it true when a sequence is divergent then its subsequences are divergent explain?

Not always true. Eg the divergent series 1,0,2,0,3,0,4,... has both convergent and divergent sub-sequences.

Where and for what reasons can earthquake occur?

Earthquakes occur along fault lines in either Convergent or Divergent plate boundaries. When two separate tectonic plates rub against each other, the rough edges act like sand paper and rub on the other one, shaking the plate, and making an earthquake.